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Report number PSI-PR-92-32
Title Energy dependence of two-nucleon pion absorption on $^{16}$O
Author(s) Hyman, S D ; Mack, D J ; Roos, P G ; Breuer, H ; Chant, N S ; Khazaie, F ; Ritchie, B G ; Silk, J ; Kyle, G S ; Amaudruz, P A ; Ingram, C H Q ; Renker, D ; Schumacher, R A ; Sennhauser, U ; Bauer, T ; Burger, W J
Publication 1992
Imprint Nov 1992
Number of pages 59
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Journalen skapades 1992-12-10, och modifierades senast 2014-12-16