CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 3rd Annual Workshop on Accelerator Instrumentation
Related conference title(s) Accelerator instrumentation
Date(s), location 28 - 31 Oct 1991, Newport News, VI, USA
Editor(s) Barry, Walter (ed.) ; Klöppel, P K (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 1991
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 252)
(Particles and fields series ; 46)
ISBN 0883189348
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords AGS ; CEBAF ; KEK ; LEP ; Linacs ; SLC ; SSC ; TRISTAN ; beam positron monitors ; booster ; particles

Contributions in Inspire: C91-10-28
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Advanced Light Source beam position monitor (p. 21)
by Hinkson, J
Grounding and shielding in the accelerator environment (p. 43)
by Kerns, Q A
CEBAF beam instrumentation (p. 88)
by Rossmanith, R
Polarization measurements (p. 104)
by Schmidt, R
Tune and chromaticity measurements in LEP (p. 170)
by Schmickler, Hermann
Transverse feedback system in the CERN SPS (p. 179)
by Vos, L
The use of digital signal processors in LEP beam instrumentation (p. 207)
by Castro, P
The diagnostics system for the multiple heavy ion beams induction linac experiment, MBE-4 (p. 225)
by Eylon, S
The parametric current transformer, a beam current monitor developed for LEP (p. 266)
by Unser, K B

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 Element opprettet 1992-11-17, sist endret 2021-07-30

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