CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 8th Conference on Computing in High-energy Physics
Related conference title(s) Computing for high luminosity and high intensity facilites
Date(s), location 9 - 13 Apr 1990, Santa Fe, NM, USA
Editor(s) Lillberg, John (ed.) ; Oothoudt, Michael A (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 1990 - 681 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 209)
Subject category Computing and Computers
Free keywords CEBAF ; CERN ; RHIC ; SLAC ; design ; environment ; networks ; pattern recognition ; retrieval ; simulation ; transmission ; visualization

Contributions in Inspire: C90-04-09
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Computing and data handling requirements for SSC and LHC experiments (p. 16)
by Lankford, A J
Effects of various event building techniques on data acquisition system architectures (p. 82)
by Barsotti, E J
Applications for the Scalable Coherent Interface (p. 131)
by Gustavson, D B
VICbus : a standard inter-crate bus(p. 221)
by Parkman, C F
Summary talk on architectures and algorithms (p. 241)
by Dobinson, Robert W
JAZELLE : an enhanced data management system for high energy physics(p. 285)
by Johnson, A S
Use of UNIX in large online processor farms (p. 302)
by Biel, J
Software for embedded processors : problems and solutions(p. 309)
by Bogaerts, J A C
Managing a large data acquisition system : can success be programmed(p. 331)
by von Rüden, Wolfgang
Databases for large detector systems : experiences at LEP and future needs(p. 341)
by Rimmer, Elsie Margaret
Cooperative processes software (CPS) (p. 364)
by Kaliher, C
A heterogeneous farm platform for distributed computing (p. 372)
by Rance, M
The ALEPH slow control system : (presented to Santa Fe)(p. 386)
by Charity, T
DUCS : a fully automated code and documentation distribution system(p. 407)
by Johnson, A S
Implementation and management : a summary(p. 417)
by Loken, S C
Event analysis using a massively parallel processor (p. 436)
by Bale, A
Running GEANT on T.Node parallel computer (p. 442)
by Jejcic, A
On the use of fractals to analyze HEP data (p. 450)
by Messersmith, E J
The application of imaging techniques to calorimetry physics (p. 456)
by Mills, S R
Recent experiences and future expectations in data storage technology (p. 503)
by Pfister, J
The APE100 project (p. 549)
by Avico, N
The application of multi-media workstations to high energy physics (p. 613)
by Grajew, G
X11 : a graphic interface in the OS-9 real-time environment(p. 630)
by Pastore, A

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 Journalen skapades 1992-10-15, och modifierades senast 2021-07-30

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