CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 4th US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators
Related conference title(s) Frontiers of particle beams
Date(s), location 7 - 14 Nov 1990, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA
Editor(s) Dienes, Margaret (ed.) ; Month, Melvin (ed.) ; Turner, Stuart (ed.)
Imprint Berlin : Springer, 1992 - 614 p.
Series (Lecture notes in physics ; 400)
ISBN 3540552502
9783540467977 (electronic version)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.1007/3-540-55250-2
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords collider ; coupling ; scattering ; transport

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C90-11-07
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Welcome address [to the 4th US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators] (p. 1)
by Bryant, P J
Wake fields and impedances (p. 39)
by Weiland, T
Bench methods for beam coupling impedance measurements (p. 80)
by Caspers, Friedhelm
Coherent beam instabilities (p. 110)
by Hofmann, A
Observation and correction of instabilities in circular accelerators (p. 134)
by Gareyte, Jacques
Low energy aspects of circular accelerators (p. 189)
by Holmes, S D
Observation of high current effects in high energy linear accelerators (p. 255)
by Seeman, J T
Observations of the beam-beam interaction in hadron colliders (p. 293)
by Saritepe, S
Beam-beam phenomena in linear colliders (p. 415)
by Yokoya, K
Engineering limitations with electrons (p. 454)
by Gröbner, Oswald
Intrabeam scattering (p. 467)
by Sørensen, A H
Ions and neutralization (p. 488)
by Poncet, Alain
Beam loading in rf cavities (p. 509)
by Garoby, R
The Next Linear Collider (p. 562)
by Ruth, Ronald D
Hadron collider luminosity limitations (p. 592)
by Evans, Lyndon R
Physics and technology challenges of $B\overline{B}$ factories (p. 600)
by Zisman, Michael S.

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