| The Higgs boson takes a key position within the Standard Model and its underlying mechanism
is crucial in order to explain why elementary particles and especially the heavy vector bosons
have masses. Since its prediction in the early 1960s it took nearly 50 years until the existence
of the Higgs boson could be proven. It was on 4th July 2012 that two experiments—ATLAS (“A
Toroidal LHC ApparatuS”) and CMS (“Compact Muon Solenoid”)—at the Large Hadron Collider
at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear research, announced a 5 𝜎 excess verifying the
existence of the Higgs boson. Its mass amounts about 125 GeV∕c
2 making the observation compatible
with earlier exclusion limits.
In January 2012 by the time the work on this thesis started, the confirmation of the Higgs boson
existence was anticipated and further steps based on this hypothesis were contemplated. For this
reason an analysis of the Higgs boson quantum numbers for spin and 𝐶𝑃 eigenvalue was initiated.
These quantities are crucial to verify the agreement between the later discovered resonance and
the Standard Model expectation. For the analysis the decay channel 𝐻 → 𝑊 𝑊 ∗ → 𝑒𝜈𝜇𝜈 was
chosen, which features a high cross section times branching ratio in the anticipated mass regime.
In spite of the two neutrinos in the final state the signature of the final state is clearly selectable
and can rely on the precise missing transverse momentum reconstruction of the ATLAS detector.
The contributions to the above publications comprise studies and development work for a wide
range of aspects of the published analysis such as the definition of sensitive and backgroundenriched
regions in the measured variable space, studies of multivariate techniques to optimise the
sensitivity, support of the reweighting studies for the 𝐶𝑃 -mixing analysis, implementation and
impact estimation of systematic uncertainties and further fields.
The major focus though was set on Monte Carlo event generator comparison studies and the statistical
evaluation to obtain final results taking background processes and systematic uncertainties
into account. A unique feature of the thesis is the evaluation of a sophisticated automated “smart”
binning of two-dimensional qualifier outputs from the applied multivariate analysis techniques.
First exclusion limits for non-Standard-Model spin and 𝐶𝑃 properties of the Higgs boson could
be set already in 2013 and further improved in 2015. The analysis presented in this thesis can
exclude all tested spin-2 models at a confidence level of 82.5 to 99.1 %. Two non-Standard-Model
𝐶𝑃 scenarios (CP-odd and CP-even with higher dimensional couplings to Standard Model particles)
can be excluded respectively at 97.1 and 64.5 % confidence level. Combining the results
from all bosonic decay channels at ATLAS each tested spin-2 and 𝐶𝑃 scenario can be excluded
at more than 99.9 % confidence level.
The newly introduced “smart” binning procedure is shown to be working reliably and takes a
stand as a promising tool for future high energy physics analyses. |