CERN Accelerating science

002315470 001__ 2315470
002315470 003__ SzGeCERN
002315470 005__ 20180428224014.0
002315470 0247_ $$2DOI$$9submitter$$a10.1051/epjconf/201714607002
002315470 0248_ $$$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:CERN$$qINSPIRE:HEP$$qForCDS
002315470 035__ $$9$$$$d2018-04-27T16:33:00Z$$h2018-04-28T04:00:09Z$$mmarcxml
002315470 035__ $$9Inspire$$a1669081
002315470 041__ $$aeng
002315470 100__ $$aDupont, [email protected]$$uIRFU, Saclay
002315470 245__ $$9submitter$$aDissemination of data measured at the CERN n_TOF facility
002315470 246__ $$9crossref$$aDissemination of data measured at the CERN n_TOF facility
002315470 260__ $$c2017
002315470 300__ $$a4 p
002315470 520__ $$aThe n_TOF neutron time-of-flight facility at CERN is used for high quality nuclear data measurements from thermal energy up to hundreds of MeV. In line with the CERN open data policy, the n_TOF Collaboration takes actions to preserve its unique data, facilitate access to them in standardised format, and allow their re-use by a wide community in the fields of nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and various nuclear technologies. The present contribution briefly describes the n_TOF outcomes, as well as the status of dissemination and preservation of n_TOF final data in the international EXFOR library.
002315470 540__ $$aCC-BY-4.0$$u
002315470 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aNuclear Physics - Experiment
002315470 690C_ $$aCERN
002315470 693__ $$aCERN PS$$enTOF
002315470 700__ $$aOtuka, N
002315470 700__ $$aCabellos, O
002315470 700__ $$aAberle, O$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aAerts, G
002315470 700__ $$aAltstadt, S
002315470 700__ $$aAlvarez, H
002315470 700__ $$aAlvarez-Velarde, F
002315470 700__ $$aAndriamonje, S
002315470 700__ $$aAndrzejewski, J
002315470 700__ $$aAudouin, L
002315470 700__ $$aBacak, M$$uCERN$$uTU Vienna$$uIRFU, Saclay$$vTUW, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria
002315470 700__ $$aBadurek, G
002315470 700__ $$aBalibrea, J
002315470 700__ $$aBarbagallo, M
002315470 700__ $$aBarros, S
002315470 700__ $$aBaumann, P
002315470 700__ $$aBécares, V
002315470 700__ $$aBečvář, F
002315470 700__ $$aBeinrucker, C
002315470 700__ $$aBelloni, F
002315470 700__ $$aBerthier, B
002315470 700__ $$aBerthoumieux, E
002315470 700__ $$aBillowes, J
002315470 700__ $$aBoccone, V$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aBosnar, D
002315470 700__ $$aBrown, A
002315470 700__ $$aBrugger, M$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aCaamaño, M
002315470 700__ $$aCalviani, M$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aCalviño, F
002315470 700__ $$aCano-Ott, D
002315470 700__ $$aCapote, R
002315470 700__ $$aCardella, R$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aCarrapiço, C
002315470 700__ $$aCasanovas, A
002315470 700__ $$aCastelluccio, D M
002315470 700__ $$aCennini, P$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aCerutti, F$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aChen, Y H
002315470 700__ $$aChiaveri, E$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aChin, M$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aColonna, N
002315470 700__ $$aCortés, G
002315470 700__ $$aCortés-Giraldo, M A
002315470 700__ $$aCosentino, L
002315470 700__ $$aCouture, A
002315470 700__ $$aCox, J
002315470 700__ $$aDamone, L A
002315470 700__ $$aDavid, S
002315470 700__ $$aDeo, K
002315470 700__ $$aDiakaki, M
002315470 700__ $$aDillmann, I
002315470 700__ $$aDomingo-Pardo, C
002315470 700__ $$aDressler, R
002315470 700__ $$aDridi, W
002315470 700__ $$aDuran, I
002315470 700__ $$aEleftheriadis, C
002315470 700__ $$aEmbid-Segura, M
002315470 700__ $$aFernández-Domínguez, B
002315470 700__ $$aFerrant, L
002315470 700__ $$aFerrari, A$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aFerreira, P
002315470 700__ $$aFinocchiaro, P
002315470 700__ $$aFraval, K
002315470 700__ $$aFrost, R J W
002315470 700__ $$aFujii, K
002315470 700__ $$aFurman, W
002315470 700__ $$aGanesan, S
002315470 700__ $$aGarcia, A R
002315470 700__ $$aGawlik, A
002315470 700__ $$aGheorghe, I
002315470 700__ $$aGilardoni, S$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aGiubrone, G
002315470 700__ $$aGlodariu, T
002315470 700__ $$aGöbel, K
002315470 700__ $$aGomez-Hornillos, M B
002315470 700__ $$aGoncalves, I F
002315470 700__ $$aGonzalez-Romero, E
002315470 700__ $$aGoverdovski, A
002315470 700__ $$aGramegna, F
002315470 700__ $$aGriesmayer, E
002315470 700__ $$aGuerrero, C
002315470 700__ $$aGunsing, F$$uIRFU, Saclay$$uCERN$$vCERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
002315470 700__ $$aGurusamy, P
002315470 700__ $$aHaight, R
002315470 700__ $$aHarada, H
002315470 700__ $$aHeftrich, T
002315470 700__ $$aHeil, M
002315470 700__ $$aHeinitz, S
002315470 700__ $$aHernández-Prieto, A
002315470 700__ $$aHeyse, J
002315470 700__ $$aIgashira, M
002315470 700__ $$aIsaev, S
002315470 700__ $$aJenkins, D G
002315470 700__ $$aJericha, E
002315470 700__ $$aKadi, Y$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aKaeppeler, F
002315470 700__ $$aKalamara, A
002315470 700__ $$aKaradimos, D
002315470 700__ $$aKaramanis, D
002315470 700__ $$aKatabuchi, T
002315470 700__ $$aKavrigin, P
002315470 700__ $$aKerveno, M
002315470 700__ $$aKetlerov, V
002315470 700__ $$aKhryachkov, V
002315470 700__ $$aKimura, A
002315470 700__ $$aKivel, N
002315470 700__ $$aKokkoris, M
002315470 700__ $$aKonovalov, V
002315470 700__ $$aKrtička, M
002315470 700__ $$aKroll, J
002315470 700__ $$aKurtulgil, D
002315470 700__ $$aLampoudis, C
002315470 700__ $$aLanger, C
002315470 700__ $$aLeal-Cidoncha, E
002315470 700__ $$aLederer, C
002315470 700__ $$aLeeb, H
002315470 700__ $$aLe Naour, C
002315470 700__ $$aLerendegui-Marco, J
002315470 700__ $$aLeong, L S
002315470 700__ $$aLicata, M
002315470 700__ $$aLo Meo, S
002315470 700__ $$aLonsdale, S J
002315470 700__ $$aLosito, R$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aLozano, M
002315470 700__ $$aMacina, D$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aManousos, A
002315470 700__ $$aMarganiec, J
002315470 700__ $$aMartinez, T
002315470 700__ $$aMarrone, S
002315470 700__ $$aMasi, A$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aMassimi, C
002315470 700__ $$aMastinu, P
002315470 700__ $$aMastromarco, M
002315470 700__ $$aMatteucci, F
002315470 700__ $$aMaugeri, E A
002315470 700__ $$aMazzone, A
002315470 700__ $$aMendoza, E
002315470 700__ $$aMengoni, A
002315470 700__ $$aMilazzo, P M
002315470 700__ $$aMingrone, F$$uBologna U.$$uINFN, Bologna$$uCERN$$vCERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
002315470 700__ $$aMirea, M
002315470 700__ $$aMondelaers, W
002315470 700__ $$aMontesano, S$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aMoreau, C
002315470 700__ $$aMosconi, M
002315470 700__ $$aMusumarra, A
002315470 700__ $$aNegret, A
002315470 700__ $$aNolte, R
002315470 700__ $$aO'Brien, S
002315470 700__ $$aOprea, A
002315470 700__ $$aPalomo-Pinto, F R
002315470 700__ $$aPancin, J
002315470 700__ $$aParadela, C$$vEC-JRC-Geel, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Geel, Belgium
002315470 700__ $$aPatronis, N
002315470 700__ $$aPavlik, A
002315470 700__ $$aPavlopoulos, P$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aPerkowski, J
002315470 700__ $$aPerrot, L
002315470 700__ $$aPigni, M T
002315470 700__ $$aPlag, R
002315470 700__ $$aPlompen, A
002315470 700__ $$aPlukis, L
002315470 700__ $$aPoch, A
002315470 700__ $$aPorras, I
002315470 700__ $$aPraena, J
002315470 700__ $$aPretel, C
002315470 700__ $$aQuesada, J M
002315470 700__ $$aRadeck, D
002315470 700__ $$aRajeev, K
002315470 700__ $$aRauscher, T$$vDepartment of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
002315470 700__ $$aReifarth, R
002315470 700__ $$aRiego, A
002315470 700__ $$aRobles, M
002315470 700__ $$aRoman, F$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aRout, P C
002315470 700__ $$aRudolf, G
002315470 700__ $$aRubbia, C$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aRullhusen, P
002315470 700__ $$aRyan, J A
002315470 700__ $$aSabaté-Gilarte, M$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aSalgado, J
002315470 700__ $$aSantos, C
002315470 700__ $$aSarchiapone, L$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aSarmento, R
002315470 700__ $$aSaxena, A
002315470 700__ $$aSchillebeeckx, P
002315470 700__ $$aSchmidt, S
002315470 700__ $$aSchumann, D
002315470 700__ $$aSedyshev, P
002315470 700__ $$aSmith, A G
002315470 700__ $$aSosnin, N V
002315470 700__ $$aStamatopoulos, A
002315470 700__ $$aStephan, C
002315470 700__ $$aSuryanarayana, S V
002315470 700__ $$aTagliente, G
002315470 700__ $$aTain, J L
002315470 700__ $$aTarifeño-Saldivia, A
002315470 700__ $$aTarrío, D
002315470 700__ $$aTassan-Got, L
002315470 700__ $$aTavora, L
002315470 700__ $$aTerlizzi, R
002315470 700__ $$aTsinganis, A$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aValenta, S
002315470 700__ $$aVannini, G
002315470 700__ $$aVariale, V
002315470 700__ $$aVaz, P
002315470 700__ $$aVentura, A
002315470 700__ $$aVersaci, R$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aVermeulen, M J
002315470 700__ $$aVillamarin, D
002315470 700__ $$aVicente, M C
002315470 700__ $$aVlachoudis, V$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aVlastou, R
002315470 700__ $$aVoss, F
002315470 700__ $$aWallner, A
002315470 700__ $$aWalter, S
002315470 700__ $$aWare, T
002315470 700__ $$aWarren, S
002315470 700__ $$aWeigand, M
002315470 700__ $$aWeiß, C$$uCERN
002315470 700__ $$aWolf, C
002315470 700__ $$aWiesher, M
002315470 700__ $$aWisshak, K
002315470 700__ $$aWoods, P J
002315470 700__ $$aWright, T
002315470 700__ $$aŽugec, P
002315470 710__ $$gn_TOF
002315470 773__ $$c07002$$pEPJ Web Conf.$$v146$$wC16-09-11.5$$y2017
002315470 8564_ $$u
002315470 8564_ $$81400417$$s198517$$u$$yFulltext
002315470 960__ $$a13
002315470 962__ $$b2313313$$k07002$$nbruges20160911
002315470 980__ $$aARTICLE
002315470 980__ $$aConferencePaper
002315470 999C6 $$a0-0-0-0-1-0-0$$t2018-04-20 12:26:41$$vcontent.pdf;1$$vInvenio/ refextract/1.5.44
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002315470 999C5 $$01388581$$hC. Weiß, et al.$$o4$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A799,90$$y2015
002315470 999C5 $$0840734$$hC. Guerrero, et al.$$o5$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A608,424$$y2009
002315470 999C5 $$hM. Calviani, et al.$$o6$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A594,220$$y2008
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002315470 999C5 $$hF. Gunsing, P. Schillebeeckx, V. Semkova$$mReport INDC(NDS)-0647 Vienna,)$$o12$$pIAEA$$y2013
002315470 999C5 $$o13$$u