მთავარი > Prototype with the basic architecture for the CBM-TOF inner wall tested in close to real conditions |
Published Articles | |
Title | Prototype with the basic architecture for the CBM-TOF inner wall tested in close to real conditions |
Author(s) | Petriş, M ; Bartoş, D ; Caragheorgheopol, G ; Constantin, F ; Petrovici, M ; Rădulescu, L ; Simion, V ; Deppner, I ; Herrmann, N ; Simon, C ; Frühauf, J ; Kiš, M ; Loizeau, P A |
Publication | 2016 |
Number of pages | 6 |
In: | J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 724 (2016) 012037 |
In: | 21st International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications & International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Varna, 7-12 September, pp.012037 |
DOI | 10.1088/1742-6596/724/1/012037 |
Subject category | Nuclear Physics - Experiment ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | GSI FAIR CBM CERN PS CERN SPS CERN SPS |
Test beam | H4 |
Abstract | Two dimensional position sensitive timing MGMSRPC prototypes were developed for the low polar angles of the CBM - TOF wall. Four MGMSRPC counters were arranged in a staggered geometrical configuration along the z direction, with overlap along and across the strips, in order to define a basic architecture for the inner zone of the CBM-TOF wall. This configuration was tested with mixed electron-pion beam at CERN-PS and with reaction products resulted from the heavy ion induced reactions at SIS18 - GSI Darmstadt and SPS - CERN. The performance of the basic architecture in conditions close to the ones expected for their operation in the inner zone o the CBM - TOF wall at SIS100/FAIR will be presented. |
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