| Distribution of the missing transverse momentum \MET for the sample satisfying all requirements of the (left) \HBH and (right) \HBL or \HBLP selection except the \MET requirement itself. Overlaid are the expected SM backgrounds, separated into the various contributing sources. Also shown are the signal expectations for points in the $m_{\gluino}$--$m_{\neutralino}$ parameter space of the GGM model relevant to the photon+jets analysis (mass values in GeV). The value of the gluino mass arises from the choice $M_3 = 1900$~GeV. The \neutralino mass values of 1868, 1920, 442 and 652~GeV arise from the choices $\mu =$ 1810, 1868, 400 and 600~GeV, respectively, combined with the constraint that the branching fraction of $\neutralino \rightarrow \gamma \gravitino$ be 50\%. The vertical dashed lines and right-pointing arrows show the region of the \MET observable selected for inclusion in \HBH and \HBL; for \HBLP, the \MET requirement is \unit[200]{GeV} rather than \unit[300]{GeV}. The lower panels show the ratio of observed data to the combined SM expectation. For these plots, the band represents the range of statistical uncertainty in the SM expectation. Events outside the range of the displayed region are included in the highest-value bin. |