CERN Accelerating science

Typical production and decay processes for the (left) gluino-production and (right) electroweak-production instances of the GGM model for which the NLSP is a binolike neutralino. These models are referred to in the text as the gluino--bino and wino--bino models, respectively.
Typical production and decay processes for the (left) gluino-production and (right) electroweak-production instances of the GGM model for which the NLSP is a binolike neutralino. These models are referred to in the text as the gluino--bino and wino--bino models, respectively.
Typical production and decay processes for (left) the squark-production instance of the GGM model for which the NLSP is a binolike neutralino, and (right) the gluino-production instance of the GGM model for which the NLSP is a higgsino--bino neutralino admixture. These models are referred to in the text as the squark--bino and higgsino--bino models, respectively.
Typical production and decay processes for (left) the squark-production instance of the GGM model for which the NLSP is a binolike neutralino, and (right) the gluino-production instance of the GGM model for which the NLSP is a higgsino--bino neutralino admixture. These models are referred to in the text as the squark--bino and higgsino--bino models, respectively.
Left: distribution of the total visible transverse energy \HT for selected diphoton events, after requiring $\dphijm > 0.5$ but before application of a requirement on \MET and \dphim (``$\gamma \gamma$ preselection''). Also shown are the expected \HT distributions of contributing SM processes as well as those for two points each in the parameter spaces of the gluino--bino and wino--bino GGM models (mass values in GeV). Events outside the range of the displayed region are included in the highest-value bin. Right: distribution of \RT for the sample satisfying all \HBL selection criteria except the \RT requirement itself, but with a relaxed requirement of $\MET > 100$~GeV. Also shown are the expected \RT distributions of contributing SM processes as well as those for two points in the $m_{\gluino}$--$m_{\neutralino}$ parameter space of the GGM model relevant to the photon+jets analysis (mass values in GeV). The value of the gluino mass arises from the choice $M_3 = 1900$~GeV, while the values of the \neutralino mass arise from the choices $\mu = 400$ and $\mu = 600$~GeV, combined with the constraint that the branching fraction of $\neutralino \rightarrow \gamma \gravitino$ be 50\%. The vertical dashed line and left-pointing arrow show the region of the \RT observable selected for inclusion in \HBL. Uncertainties are shown as hatched bands for the various expected sources of SM background (statistical only) and as error bars for data. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the SM prediction.
Left: distribution of the total visible transverse energy \HT for selected diphoton events, after requiring $\dphijm > 0.5$ but before application of a requirement on \MET and \dphim (``$\gamma \gamma$ preselection''). Also shown are the expected \HT distributions of contributing SM processes as well as those for two points each in the parameter spaces of the gluino--bino and wino--bino GGM models (mass values in GeV). Events outside the range of the displayed region are included in the highest-value bin. Right: distribution of \RT for the sample satisfying all \HBL selection criteria except the \RT requirement itself, but with a relaxed requirement of $\MET > 100$~GeV. Also shown are the expected \RT distributions of contributing SM processes as well as those for two points in the $m_{\gluino}$--$m_{\neutralino}$ parameter space of the GGM model relevant to the photon+jets analysis (mass values in GeV). The value of the gluino mass arises from the choice $M_3 = 1900$~GeV, while the values of the \neutralino mass arise from the choices $\mu = 400$ and $\mu = 600$~GeV, combined with the constraint that the branching fraction of $\neutralino \rightarrow \gamma \gravitino$ be 50\%. The vertical dashed line and left-pointing arrow show the region of the \RT observable selected for inclusion in \HBL. Uncertainties are shown as hatched bands for the various expected sources of SM background (statistical only) and as error bars for data. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the SM prediction.
Comparisons between expected and observed content of the validation and signal regions for the diphoton analysis. The uncertainties in the numbers of expected events are the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties. The lower panel shows the pull (difference between observed and expected event counts normalized by the uncertainty) for each region.
Distribution of the missing transverse momentum \MET for the sample satisfying all requirements of the (left) \BWL and (right) \BWH selection except the \MET requirement itself. Overlaid are the expected SM backgrounds, separated into the various contributing sources. Also shown are the signal expectations for the $(m_{\wino},m_{\neutralino}) = (1000,100)$~GeV and $(m_{\wino},m_{\neutralino}) = (1000,800)$~GeV models. The vertical dashed lines and right-pointing arrows show the region of the \MET observable selected for inclusion in \BWL and \BWH. The lower panels show the ratio of observed data to the combined SM expectation. For these plots, the band represents the range of combined statistical and systematic uncertainty in the SM expectation. Events outside the range of the displayed region are included in the highest-value bin.
Distribution of the missing transverse momentum \MET for the sample satisfying all requirements of the (left) \BWL and (right) \BWH selection except the \MET requirement itself. Overlaid are the expected SM backgrounds, separated into the various contributing sources. Also shown are the signal expectations for the $(m_{\wino},m_{\neutralino}) = (1000,100)$~GeV and $(m_{\wino},m_{\neutralino}) = (1000,800)$~GeV models. The vertical dashed lines and right-pointing arrows show the region of the \MET observable selected for inclusion in \BWL and \BWH. The lower panels show the ratio of observed data to the combined SM expectation. For these plots, the band represents the range of combined statistical and systematic uncertainty in the SM expectation. Events outside the range of the displayed region are included in the highest-value bin.
Comparisons between expected and observed content of the validation and signal regions for the photon+jets analysis. The uncertainties in the expected numbers of events are the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties. The lower panel shows the pull (difference between observed and expected event counts normalized by the uncertainty) for each region.
Distribution of the missing transverse momentum \MET for the sample satisfying all requirements of the (left) \HBH and (right) \HBL or \HBLP selection except the \MET requirement itself. Overlaid are the expected SM backgrounds, separated into the various contributing sources. Also shown are the signal expectations for points in the $m_{\gluino}$--$m_{\neutralino}$ parameter space of the GGM model relevant to the photon+jets analysis (mass values in GeV). The value of the gluino mass arises from the choice $M_3 = 1900$~GeV. The \neutralino mass values of 1868, 1920, 442 and 652~GeV arise from the choices $\mu =$ 1810, 1868, 400 and 600~GeV, respectively, combined with the constraint that the branching fraction of $\neutralino \rightarrow \gamma \gravitino$ be 50\%. The vertical dashed lines and right-pointing arrows show the region of the \MET observable selected for inclusion in \HBH and \HBL; for \HBLP, the \MET requirement is \unit[200]{GeV} rather than \unit[300]{GeV}. The lower panels show the ratio of observed data to the combined SM expectation. For these plots, the band represents the range of statistical uncertainty in the SM expectation. Events outside the range of the displayed region are included in the highest-value bin.
Distribution of the missing transverse momentum \MET for the sample satisfying all requirements of the (left) \HBH and (right) \HBL or \HBLP selection except the \MET requirement itself. Overlaid are the expected SM backgrounds, separated into the various contributing sources. Also shown are the signal expectations for points in the $m_{\gluino}$--$m_{\neutralino}$ parameter space of the GGM model relevant to the photon+jets analysis (mass values in GeV). The value of the gluino mass arises from the choice $M_3 = 1900$~GeV. The \neutralino mass values of 1868, 1920, 442 and 652~GeV arise from the choices $\mu =$ 1810, 1868, 400 and 600~GeV, respectively, combined with the constraint that the branching fraction of $\neutralino \rightarrow \gamma \gravitino$ be 50\%. The vertical dashed lines and right-pointing arrows show the region of the \MET observable selected for inclusion in \HBH and \HBL; for \HBLP, the \MET requirement is \unit[200]{GeV} rather than \unit[300]{GeV}. The lower panels show the ratio of observed data to the combined SM expectation. For these plots, the band represents the range of statistical uncertainty in the SM expectation. Events outside the range of the displayed region are included in the highest-value bin.
Exclusion limits in the gluino--bino mass plane, using the \BSH analysis for $m_{\neutralino} > \GGMsplitG$~GeV and the \BSL analysis for $m_{\neutralino} < \GGMsplitG$~GeV. Combinations of gluino and bino mass are excluded at greater than 95\% C.L. in the area to the left of the unbroken curve. The observed limits are exhibited for the nominal SUSY model cross-section expectation, as well as for a SUSY cross section increased and decreased by 1 standard deviation of the cross-section systematic uncertainty. Also shown is the expected limit, as well as the $\pm 1$ standard-deviation range of the expected limit, which is asymmetric due to the small expected number of events. The gray region is that previously excluded with the 2015 data sample; see Ref.~\cite{SUSY-2016-04}.
Exclusion limits in the squark--bino mass plane, using the \BSH analysis for $m_{\neutralino} > \GGMsplitS$~GeV and the \BSL analysis for $m_{\neutralino} < \GGMsplitS$~GeV. Combinations of squark and bino mass are excluded at greater than 95\% C.L. in the area to the left of the unbroken curve. The observed limits are exhibited for the nominal SUSY model cross-section expectation, as well as for a SUSY cross section increased and decreased by 1 standard deviation of the cross-section systematic uncertainty. Also shown is the expected limit, as well as the $\pm 1$ standard-deviation range of the expected limit, which is asymmetric due to the small number of expected events.
Exclusion limits in the wino--bino mass plane, using the \BWH analysis for $m_{\neutralino} > \GGMsplitW$~GeV and the \BWL analysis for $m_{\neutralino} < \GGMsplitW$~GeV. The vertical axis represents bino mass while the horizontal axis represents wino mass. Combinations of wino and bino masses are excluded at greater than 95\% C.L. in the area to the left of the unbroken curve. The observed limits are exhibited for the nominal SUSY model cross-section expectation, as well as for a SUSY cross section increased and decreased by 1 standard deviation of the cross-section systematic uncertainty. Also shown is the expected limit, along with its $\pm 1$ standard-deviation range. The discontinuity at $m_{\neutralino} = \GGMsplitW$~GeV is due to the switch between the use of the \BWL and \BWH analyses, the former of which exhibits a small excess of observed events relative to the expected SM background. The gray region is that previously excluded with the data sample taken at $\sqrt{s} = 8$~TeV; see Ref.~\cite{SUSY-2014-01}.
Derived exclusion limits for the $\mu > 0$ higgsino--bino GGM model explored by the photon+jets analysis. For this figure, the underlying model parameters $M_3$ and $\mu$ have been transformed to the physical parameters $m_{\gluino}$ and $m_{\neutralino}$, subject to the assumptions stated in Section~\ref{sec:susy}. For each point in the higgsino--bino parameter space, the SR (\HBL or \HBH) that provides the best expected sensitivity is used to estimate the exclusion likelihood. Combinations of gluino and neutralino mass are excluded at greater than 95\% C.L. in the area to the left of the unbroken curve. The observed limits are shown for the nominal SUSY model cross-section expectation, as well as for a SUSY cross section increased and decreased by 1 standard deviation of the cross-section systematic uncertainty. The expected limit is also shown, along with its $\pm 1$ standard-deviation range.