| This is a condensed version of the CERN report Economic Ufility Resulting from CERN
Contracts by the saine authors, which attempts to quantify the economic benefit to high technology
manufacturing industries involved in CERN contracts, in relation to their sales to CERN.
It covers the period 1973--87 and complements an earlier study ruade in 1973--75. Interviews
were carriœ out in 166 European firms, of which the majority supplied estimates of increased
sales and cost savings due to CERN contracts. This "Economic Utility" totals 3107 million Swiss
francs (up to the year 1987) compared to sales to CERN in 1973--82 amounting to 748 million
Swiss francs in 1982 prices. It is estimated that, by 1987, CERN's high technology purchases made
in 1973--82 will have generated Economic Utility amounting to about 60 of the overall cost
of the Organization during the same period. |