| Vertex reconstruction is not accurate enough for LHCb when the bunch length in physics shrinks below about 0.9 ns. The end-of-fill MD studies presented here proved that bunch flattening using sinusoidal RF modulation is a loss-free method to increase the r.m.s. bunch length and flatten the bunch profile. Furthermore, the optimum modulation parameters to be used in physics have been identified. Subsequently, bunch flattening in physics was used operationally with a modulation frequency of 98.75 % of the central synchrotron frequency and 0.6 modulation amplitude, resulting in a 150-200 ps increase in the BQM-measured bunch length. A ‘mid-of-fill’ test at arrival to flat top revealed that also the bunch distribution created by the controlled emittance blow-up during the ramp is affected when bunch flattening is applied. The measurements took place on 17th June and the 4th, 7th and 22nd July 2016. Operational cases are shown as well. |