CERN Accelerating science

Measured \ST distribution in the \mutau (left) and \etau (right) channels of the LQ (upper) and heavy RH neutrino (lower) analyses, compared to the expected SM background contribution. A hypothetical LQ signal of mass ${M_\mathrm{LQ}=900}$\GeV and a hypothetical heavy $\PWR$ signal of mass ${M}_{\PWR}=3$\TeV are overlaid to illustrate the sensitivity. The electroweak background represents the sum of \PW~boson, \cPZ~boson, and diboson production. The last bin of each plot contains overflow events. A binned maximum likelihood fit is performed on the \ST distribution. The uncertainty bands represent the sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic uncertainties, obtained from the fit. The lower panels in all plots compare the observed and expected events in each bin.
Measured \ST distribution in the \mutau (left) and \etau (right) channels of the LQ (upper) and heavy RH neutrino (lower) analyses, compared to the expected SM background contribution. A hypothetical LQ signal of mass ${M_\mathrm{LQ}=900}$\GeV and a hypothetical heavy $\PWR$ signal of mass ${M}_{\PWR}=3$\TeV are overlaid to illustrate the sensitivity. The electroweak background represents the sum of \PW~boson, \cPZ~boson, and diboson production. The last bin of each plot contains overflow events. A binned maximum likelihood fit is performed on the \ST distribution. The uncertainty bands represent the sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic uncertainties, obtained from the fit. The lower panels in all plots compare the observed and expected events in each bin.
Measured \ST distribution in the \mutau (left) and \etau (right) channels of the LQ (upper) and heavy RH neutrino (lower) analyses, compared to the expected SM background contribution. A hypothetical LQ signal of mass ${M_\mathrm{LQ}=900}$\GeV and a hypothetical heavy $\PWR$ signal of mass ${M}_{\PWR}=3$\TeV are overlaid to illustrate the sensitivity. The electroweak background represents the sum of \PW~boson, \cPZ~boson, and diboson production. The last bin of each plot contains overflow events. A binned maximum likelihood fit is performed on the \ST distribution. The uncertainty bands represent the sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic uncertainties, obtained from the fit. The lower panels in all plots compare the observed and expected events in each bin.
Measured \ST distribution in the \mutau (left) and \etau (right) channels of the LQ (upper) and heavy RH neutrino (lower) analyses, compared to the expected SM background contribution. A hypothetical LQ signal of mass ${M_\mathrm{LQ}=900}$\GeV and a hypothetical heavy $\PWR$ signal of mass ${M}_{\PWR}=3$\TeV are overlaid to illustrate the sensitivity. The electroweak background represents the sum of \PW~boson, \cPZ~boson, and diboson production. The last bin of each plot contains overflow events. A binned maximum likelihood fit is performed on the \ST distribution. The uncertainty bands represent the sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic uncertainties, obtained from the fit. The lower panels in all plots compare the observed and expected events in each bin.
Observed and expected limits at 95\% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared, obtained from the combination of the \etau and \mutau channels, in the LQ analysis (left) and 95\% CL observed and expected exclusion limits on the LQ mass, as a function of $\beta$(right). In the left plot, the green and yellow bands represent the one and two standard deviation uncertainties in the expected limits. The dashed dark blue curve represents the theoretical LQ pair production cross section, assuming $\beta = 100$\%~\cite{Kramer:2004df,Kramer:1997hh}. In the right plot, the grey band represents the one standard deviation uncertainty in the expected limit.
Observed and expected limits at 95\% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared, obtained from the combination of the \etau and \mutau channels, in the LQ analysis (left) and 95\% CL observed and expected exclusion limits on the LQ mass, as a function of $\beta$(right). In the left plot, the green and yellow bands represent the one and two standard deviation uncertainties in the expected limits. The dashed dark blue curve represents the theoretical LQ pair production cross section, assuming $\beta = 100$\%~\cite{Kramer:2004df,Kramer:1997hh}. In the right plot, the grey band represents the one standard deviation uncertainty in the expected limit.
Observed and expected limits at 95\% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction, obtained from the combination of the \etau and \mutau channels in the heavy right-handed neutrino analysis (left) and the observed and expected limits at 95\% CL on the production cross section as a function of $\mathrm{M}_{\PWR}$ and $\mathrm{M}_{\NR}$ (right). The green and yellow bands represent the one and two standard deviation uncertainties in the expected limits. The dashed dark blue curve represents the theoretical prediction for the product of the $\PWR$ boson production cross section and the branching fraction for decay to a $\tau$ lepton and RH neutrino, assuming the mass of the RH neutrino to be half the mass of the $\PWR$ boson~\cite{delAguila:2007qnc}.
Observed and expected limits at 95\% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction, obtained from the combination of the \etau and \mutau channels in the heavy right-handed neutrino analysis (left) and the observed and expected limits at 95\% CL on the production cross section as a function of $\mathrm{M}_{\PWR}$ and $\mathrm{M}_{\NR}$ (right). The green and yellow bands represent the one and two standard deviation uncertainties in the expected limits. The dashed dark blue curve represents the theoretical prediction for the product of the $\PWR$ boson production cross section and the branching fraction for decay to a $\tau$ lepton and RH neutrino, assuming the mass of the RH neutrino to be half the mass of the $\PWR$ boson~\cite{delAguila:2007qnc}.