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Report number MSUCL-779
Title Multifragment disintegration of the $^{129}$Xe + $^{197}$Au system at E/A = 50 MeV
Author(s) Bowman, D R ; Peaslee, G F ; De Souza, R T ; Carlin, N ; Gelbke, C K ; Gong, W G ; Kim, Y D ; Lisa, M A ; Lynch, W G ; Phair, L ; Tsang, M B ; Williams, C ; Colonna, N ; Hanold, K A ; McMahan, M A ; Wozniak, G J ; Moretto, L G ; Friedman, W A
Publication 1991
Imprint May 1991
Number of pages 14
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Keywords 10-100MeV/A ; Au197 ; Xe129


 Record creato 1991-09-17, modificato l'ultima volta il 2016-06-29