CERN Accelerating science

Report number TRI-PP-91-51
Title Recent results on rare K$^{+}$ decays from BNL E787

Atiya, M S ; Chiang, I H ; Frank, J S ; Haggerty, J S ; Kycia, T F ; Li Kai Kong ; Littenberg, L S ; Sambamurti, A K ; Stevens, A J ; Strand, R C ; Louis, W C ; Akerib, D S ; Ito, M M ; Marlow, D R ; Meyers, P D ; Selen, M A ; Shoemaker, F C ; Smith, A J S ; Blackmore, E W ; Bryman, D A ; Felawka, L ; Kitching, P ; Konaka, A ; Kuno, Y ; MacDonald, J A ; Numao, T ; Padley, P ; Poutissou, J M ; Poutissou, R ; Roy, J D ; Soluk, R A ; Turcot, A S

Publication 1991
Imprint Jun 1991
Number of pages 5
In: 4th Conference on the Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics, Tucson, AZ, USA, 23 - 29 May 1991, pp.615-620
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Free keywords K+

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Registre creat el 1991-08-28, darrera modificació el 2010-03-05