CERN Accelerating science

Leading order Feynman diagram for singly produced Y or T quarks.
Kinematic distributions in the $\ttbar$-enriched control sample: $S_\mathrm{T}$ (\cmsLeft) and $M_{\mathrm{inv}}$ (\cmsRight). The last bin includes overflow events. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are represented by the hatched band on the ratio plot.
Kinematic distributions in the $\ttbar$-enriched control sample: $S_\mathrm{T}$ (\cmsLeft) and $M_{\mathrm{inv}}$ (\cmsRight). The last bin includes overflow events. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are represented by the hatched band on the ratio plot.
Kinematic distributions in the $\PW$+jets-enriched control sample: $S_\mathrm{T}$ (\cmsLeft) and $M_{\text{inv}}$ (\cmsRight). The last bin includes overflow events. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are represented by the hatched band on the ratio plot.
Kinematic distributions in the $\PW$+jets-enriched control sample: $S_\mathrm{T}$ (\cmsLeft) and $M_{\text{inv}}$ (\cmsRight). The last bin includes overflow events. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are represented by the hatched band on the ratio plot.
The invariant mass $M_{\text{inv}}$ distribution of heavy quark candidates, reconstructed from their decay products: the lepton, the leading central jet, and the neutrino. The distribution is obtained after the fit, assuming the background-only hypothesis. The dashed histogram shows the event distribution expected for a Y quark with a mass of 1.0\TeV, coupling of 0.5 and \mbox{${\cal{B}}(\Y \to \PQb \PW) = 100\%$}. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are represented by the hatched band on the ratio plot. In the last bin the data overflow event is an electron channel event with a mass of 2.22\TeV.
The invariant mass $M_{\text{inv}}$ distribution of heavy quark candidates, reconstructed from their decay products: the lepton, the leading central jet, and the neutrino. The distribution is obtained after the fit, assuming the background-only hypothesis. The dashed histograms show the event distributions expected for a Y quark with masses of 1.0\TeV and 1.4\TeV, coupling of 0.5 and ${\mathcal{B}}(\Y \to \PQb \PW) = 100\%$. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are represented by the hatched band on the ratio plot. In the last bin the data overflow event is an electron channel event with a mass of 2.22\TeV.
Expected and observed limits on the single VLQ production ($\Pp \Pp\to \Y \PQb \PQq$ and $\Pp \Pp \to \T \PQb \PQq$) cross section together with the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands.