CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-INTC-2017-002 ; INTC-CLL-027
Title Determination of the $B(E3,0^+ \rightarrow 3^-)$ strength in the octupole-correlated nuclei $^{142,144}$Ba using Coulomb excitation
Project Manager/Technical Coordinator S, Marcus
Author(s) Andreyev, Andrei (University of York) ; Barton, Charles (University of York) ; Blazhev, Andrey (University of Cologne) ; Butler, Peter Anthony (University of Liverpool) ; Cederkäll, Joakim (Lund University) ; Cline, Douglas (University of Rochester) ; Cocolios, Thomas Elias (KU Leuven) ; Danchev, Miroslav (Sofia University) ; Van Duppen, Piet (KU Leuven) ; Gaffney, Liam Paul (ISOLDE-CERN) ; Gernhäuser, Roman (TU Munich) ; Gladniski, Kalinin (Sofia University) ; Görgen, Andreas (University of Oslo) ; Grahn, Tuomas (University of Jyväskylä) ; Greenlees, Paul (University of Jyväskylä) ; Guttormsen, Magne (University of Oslo) ; Hadynska-Klek, Kasia (HIL University of Warsaw) ; Herzberg, Rolf-Dietmar (University of Liverpool) ; Huyse, Mark (KU Leuven) ; Ignatov, Alexander (TU Darmstadt) ; Iwanicki, Jendrek (HIL University of Warsaw) ; Jenkins, David (University of York) ; Jolie, Jan (University of Cologne) ; Julin, Rauno (University of Jyväskylä) ; Jungclaus, Andrea (Institudo de Estructura de la Materia Madrid) ; Joss, David Thomas (University of Cologne) ; Kröll, Thorsten (TU Darmstadt) ; Larsen, Ann-Cecille (University of Oslo) ; Mücher, Dennis (Guelph University) ; Napiorkowski, Pawel (HIL University of Warsaw) ; O’Neill, George Ghengis (University of Western Cape) ; Page, Robert (University of Liverpool) ; Pakarinen, Janne (University of Jyväskylä) ; Rahkila, Panu (University of Jyväskylä) ; Rainovski, Georgi (Sofia University) ; Reiter, Peter (University of Cologne) ; Siem, Sunniva (University of Oslo) ; Simpson, Gary (CNRS Grenoble) ; Thirolf, Peter (LMU München) ; Thürauf, Michael (TU Darmstadt) ; Wadsworth, Robert (University of York) ; Warr, Nigel (University of Cologne) ; Wenander, Frederik (ISOLDE-CERN) ; Wimmer, Katrin (Tokio Universiy) ; Wrzosek-Lipska, Kasia (HIL University of Warsaw) ; Wu, Ching-Yen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) ; Yates, Steven (University of Kenucky) ; Zielinska, Magdalena (CEA Saclay)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. ISOLDE and neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee ; INTC
Series (Clarification Letter)
Submitted by [email protected] on 09 Jan 2017
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

Email contact(s) : [email protected]

 Запись создана 2017-01-09, последняя модификация 2017-01-10

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