CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International Beam Instrumentation Conference
Related conference title(s) IBIC 2016
Date(s), location 11 - 15 Sep 2016, Barcelona, Spain
Editor(s) Costa, Isidre (ed.) ; Iriso, Ubaldo (ed.) ; Pérez, Francis (ed.) ; Schaa, Volker R.W. (ed.)
Imprint Geneva, Switzerland : JACoW, 2016
ISBN 9783954501779
Subject category Biography, Geography, History

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C16-09-11.2
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

LHC Online Chromaticity Measurement - Experience after One Year of Operation (MOBL04)
by Fuchsberger, Kajetan
Transient Studies of the Stripline Kicker for Beam Extraction from CLIC Damping Rings (MOPG05)
by Belver-Aguilar, Carolina
First Operational Experience with the LHC Diode ORbit and OScillation (DOROS) System (MOPG07)
by Gąsior, Marek
A Wire-Based Methodology to Analyse the Nanometric Resolution of an RF Cavity BPM (MOPG12)
by Zorzetti, Silvia
Diamond Monitor Based Beam Loss Measurements in the LHC (MOPG19)
by Xu, Chen
Development of a Method for Continuous Functional Supervision of BLM Systems (MOPG21)
by Hajdu, Csaba F
The Design, Construction and Operation of the Beam Instrumentation for the High Intensity and Energy Upgrade of ISOLDE at CERN (MOPG27)
by Andreazza, William
Comparative Study of Magnetic Properties for CERN Beam Current Transformers (MOPG37)
by Aguilera, Silvia
Upgrade of the LHC Bunch by Bunch Intensity Measurement Acquisition System (MOPG39)
by Belohrad, David
A New Wall Current Monitor for the CERN Proton Synchrotron (MOPG41)
by Belleman, Jeroen
Optimized Cryogenic Current Comparator for CERN's Low-Energy Antiproton Facilities (MOPG48)
by Fernandes, Miguel
A Precise Pulsed Current Source for Absolute Calibration of Current Measurement Systems With No DC Response (MOPG49)
by Krupa, Michal
Transverse Beam Size Diagnostics using Brownian Nanoparticles at ALBA (MOPG73)
by Siano, Mirko
Design and Performance of Coronagraph for Beam Halo Measurements in the LHC (MOPG74)
by Goldblatt, Aurelie
A Scintillating Fibre Beam Profile Monitor for the Experimental Areas of the SPS at CERN (MOPG76)
by Ortega Ruiz, Inaki
Scintillation and OTR Screen Characterization with a 440 GeV/c Proton Beam in Air at the CERN HiRadMat Facility (MOPG78)
by Burger, Stephane
Recent Developments for Instability Monitoring at the LHC (THAL02)
by Levens, Thomas
CERN PS Booster Transverse Damper: 10 kHz - 200 MHz Radiation Tolerant Amplifier for Capacitive PU Signal Conditioning (TUPG04)
by Meoli, Alessandro
Intra-Train Position and Angle Stabilisation at ATF Based on Sub-Micron Resolution Stripline Beam Position Monitors (TUPG15)
by Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven
Performance of Nanometre-Level Resolution Cavity Beam Position Monitors and Their Application in an Intra-Train Beam Position Feedback System (TUPG16)
by Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven
The CMS Beam Halo Monitor at LHC implementation and first measurements (TUPG20)
by Tosi, Nicolo
Testing the Untestable: A Realistic Vision of Fearlessly Testing (Almost) Every Single Accelerator Component Without Beam and Continuous Deployment Thereof (TUPG30)
by Calia, Andrea
First Results from the IPHI Beam Instrumentation (TUPG34)
by Ausset, Patrick
The Cherenkov Detector for Proton Flux Measurement (CpFM) in the UA9 Experiment (TUPG40)
by Montesano, Simone
The CERN Beam Instrumentation Group Offline Analysis Framework (TUPG45)
by Kolad, Blazej
Improvements to the LHC Schottky Monitors (TUPG46)
by Wendt, Manfred
Ionization Profile Monitor Simulations - Status and Future Plans (TUPG71)
by Sapinski, Mariusz
Preparatory Work for a Fluorescence Based Profile Monitor for an Electron Lens (TUPG73)
by Udrea, Serban
Experimental Results of a Compact Laserwire System for Non-Invasive H⁻ Beam Profile Measurements at CERN's Linac4 (TUPG77)
by Gibson, Stephen
The Wall Current Transformer - a New Sensor for Precise Bunch-by-Bunch Intensity Measurements in the LHC (WEAL02)
by Krupa, Michal
Beam Diagnostics Challenges for Beam Dynamics Studies (WEBL01)
by Jones, Owain Rhodri
Beam Size Measurements Using Interferometry at LHC (WEBL02)
by Trad, Georges
HOM characterization for beam diagnostics at the european XFEL injector (WEPG03)
by Baboi, Nicoletta
Development of a Prototype Electro-Optic Beam Position Monitor at the CERN SPS (WEPG09)
by Arteche, Alberto
An Optical Fibre BLM System at the Australian Synchrotron Light Source (WEPG20)
by Kastriotou, Maria
A High Resolution Single-Shot Longitudinal Profile Diagnostic Using Electro-Optic Transposition (WEPG49)
by Walsh, David
The Beam Profile Monitoring System for the CERN IRRAD Proton Facility (WEPG75)
by Ravotti, F
Optical Effects in High Resolution and High Dynamic Range Beam Imaging Systems (WEPG80)
by Wolfenden, Joseph

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 Записът е създаден на 2016-12-08, последна промяна на 2021-09-20