CERN Accelerating science

Comparison of the data to expectation for the transverse momenta of the four leading jets in each event for $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right). The last bin of each distribution includes all jets with $\pt > 530\GeV$. The bin-by-bin ratio of the observed to the simulated spectra one is shown at the bottom of each plot. The uncertainties are purely statistical. The total simulated event yields are normalized to the observed yields in the data, while keeping the relative fractions of the individual components fixed.
Comparison of the data to expectation for the transverse momenta of the four leading jets in each event for $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right). The last bin of each distribution includes all jets with $\pt > 530\GeV$. The bin-by-bin ratio of the observed to the simulated spectra one is shown at the bottom of each plot. The uncertainties are purely statistical. The total simulated event yields are normalized to the observed yields in the data, while keeping the relative fractions of the individual components fixed.
Comparison between the data and expectation for the fitted top quark mass of the jet-quark assignment with the smallest $\chi^2$ (top) and these smallest $\chi^2$ values (bottom), for $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right). The last bin of the top quark mass distributions includes all masses above 980\GeV. The bin-by-bin ratio of the observed spectrum to the simulated one is shown at the bottom of each plot. The uncertainties are purely statistical.
Comparison between the data and expectation for the fitted top quark mass of the jet-quark assignment with the smallest $\chi^2$ (top) and these smallest $\chi^2$ values (bottom), for $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right). The last bin of the top quark mass distributions includes all masses above 980\GeV. The bin-by-bin ratio of the observed spectrum to the simulated one is shown at the bottom of each plot. The uncertainties are purely statistical.
Comparison between the data and expectation for the fitted top quark mass of the jet-quark assignment with the smallest $\chi^2$ (top) and these smallest $\chi^2$ values (bottom), for $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right). The last bin of the top quark mass distributions includes all masses above 980\GeV. The bin-by-bin ratio of the observed spectrum to the simulated one is shown at the bottom of each plot. The uncertainties are purely statistical.
Comparison between the data and expectation for the fitted top quark mass of the jet-quark assignment with the smallest $\chi^2$ (top) and these smallest $\chi^2$ values (bottom), for $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right). The last bin of the top quark mass distributions includes all masses above 980\GeV. The bin-by-bin ratio of the observed spectrum to the simulated one is shown at the bottom of each plot. The uncertainties are purely statistical.
Width of the pull distribution (left) and bias on the estimated top quark mass (right) as a function of the generated top quark mass for $\ell$+jets events. The dashed blue line represents the ideal outcome.
Width of the pull distribution (left) and bias on the estimated top quark mass (right) as a function of the generated top quark mass for $\ell$+jets events. The dashed blue line represents the ideal outcome.
Residual bias on the estimated top quark mass as a function of the generated top quark mass using $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right) after the inclusive $\ell$+jets calibration. The dashed blue line represents the ideal outcome.
Residual bias on the estimated top quark mass as a function of the generated top quark mass using $\ell^+$+jets events (left) and $\ell^-$+jets events (right) after the inclusive $\ell$+jets calibration. The dashed blue line represents the ideal outcome.