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Report number ITEF-91-036 ; ITEP-91-036
Title "Lambdameter"
Author(s) Degtyarenko, P V ; Efremenko, Yu V ; Fyodorov, V B ; Gavrilov, V B ; Goryainov, N A ; Grishuk, Yu G ; Hasanov, F M ; Kosov, M V ; Kuleshov, S V ; Kuznetsov, S G ; Leksin, G A ; Pivnyuk, N A ; Shuvalov, S M ; Shwartsman, B B ; Smirnitsky, A V ; Vorobev, L S ; Zagreev, B V
Publication 1991
Imprint 18 Apr 1991
Number of pages 28
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques


 Zapis kreiran 1991-07-01, zadnja izmjena 2014-12-15