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Report number IPNO-DRE-91-17
Title A signature for isoscalar-spin transitions in ($\overrightarrow{d}$,$\overrightarrow{d}$') scattering at intermediate energy
Author(s) Morlet, M ; Baker, F T ; Beatty, D ; Bimbot, L ; Djalali, C ; Edwards, G ; Fergerson, R W ; Glashausser, C ; Green, A ; Guillot, J C ; Johnson, B N ; Jourdan, F A ; Langevin-Joliot, H ; Marty, N ; Rosier, L H ; Tomasi-Gustafsson, E ; Van de Wiele, J ; Willis, A ; Youn, M Y
Publication 1991
Imprint May 1991
Number of pages 10
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Keywords dprime


 Journalen skapades 1991-06-27, och modifierades senast 2014-12-15