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Contributions to this conference in CDS
The Linac4 project (MOAM2P20) |
by Lombardi, Alessandra |
LHC Run 2: Results and challenges (MOAM5P50) |
by Bruce, Roderik |
Transverse beam splitting made operational: Recent progress of the multi-turn extraction at the CERN proton synchrotron (MOPR009) |
by Huschauer, Alexander |
Machine element contribution to the longitudinal impedance model of the CERN SPS (MOPR010) |
by Kaltenbacher, Thomas |
The SPS 200 MHz TWC impedance after the LIU upgrade (MOPR011) |
by Roggen, Toon |
The new HL-LHC injection and transport protection system (MOPR012) |
by Velotti, Francesco |
Mitigation of numerical noise for beam loss simulations (MOPR016) |
by Kesting, Frederik |
Overview of the ESSnuSB accumulator ring (MOPR021) |
by Olvegård, Maja |
Interpretation of wire-scanner asymmetric profiles in a low-energy ring (MOPR023) |
by Cieslak-Kowalska, Magdalena Anna |
General formula to deduce the space charge tune spread from a quadrupolar pick-up measurement (MOPR024) |
by Metral, Elias |
Space charge modules for PyHEADTAIL (MOPR025) |
by Oeftiger, Adrian |
Space charge mitigation with longitudinally hollow bunches (MOPR026) |
by Oeftiger, Adrian |
Dynamic beta and beta-beating effects in the presence of the beam-beam interactions (MOPR027) |
by Pieloni, Tatiana |
CERN PS Booster longitudinal dynamics simulations for the post-LS2 scenario (MOPR028) |
by Quartullo, Danilo |
On the impact of non-symplecticity of space charge solvers (MOPR029) |
by Titze, Malte |
Use of RF quadrupole structures to enhance stability in accelerator rings (THPM7X01) |
by Schenk, Michael |
Space charge effects and mitigation in the CERN PS Booster, in view of the upgrade (THPM9X01) |
by Benedetto, Elena |
Measurement and interpretation of transverse beam instabilities in the CERN large hadron collider (LHC) and extrapolations to HL-LHC (TUAM2X01) |
by Metral, Elias |
Identification and reduction of the CERN SPS impedance (TUAM3X01) |
by Shaposhnikova, Elena |
Electron cloud in the CERN accelerator complex (TUAM4X01) |
by Rumolo, Giovanni |
Space charge driven beam loss for cooled beams and mitigation measures in the CERN Low Energy Ion Ring (TUAM5X01) |
by Bartosik, Hannes |
First analysis of the space charge effects on a third order coupled resonance (TUAM6X01) |
by Franchetti, Giuliano |
Intensity effects in the formation of stable islands in phase space during the multi-turn extraction process at the CERN PS (TUAM7X01) |
by Machida, Shinji |
Code bench-marking for long-term tracking and adaptive algorithms (WEAM1X01) |
by Schmidt, Frank |
Code development for collective effects (WEAM3X01) |
by Li, Kevin Shing Bruce |
Numerical modeling of fast beam ion instabilities (WEAM4X01) |
by Mether, Lotta |
Beam dynamics issues in the FCC (WEAM5X01) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Performance of Linac-4 instrumentation during commissioning (WEPM1X01) |
by Raich, Uli |
Emittance reconstruction techniques in presence of space charge applied during the Linac4 beam commissioning (WEPM1Y01) |
by Dimov, Veliko |
Beam Dynamics Issues in the FCC |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
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Record created 2016-09-06, last modified 2024-02-23