CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Properties of low-lying intruder states in 34Aland 34Sipopulated in the beta-decay of 34Mg
Author(s) Lică, R (CERN) ; Rotaru, F ; Negoită, F ; Grévy, S ; Mărginean, N ; Desagne, Ph ; Stora, T (CERN) ; Borcea, C ; Borcea, R ; Călinescu, S ; Daugas, J M ; Filipescu, D ; Kuti, I ; Fraile, L M ; Franchoo, S ; Gheorghe, I ; Ghită, D G ; Mărginean, R ; Mihai, C ; Mourface, P ; Morel, P ; Mrazek, J ; Negret, A ; Pietreanu, D ; Sava, T ; Sohler, D ; Stănoiu, M ; Stefan, I ; Şuvăilă, R ; Toma, S ; Ur, C A
Publication 2015
Number of pages 4
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1645 (2015) 363-366
DOI 10.1063/1.4909602
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Abstract The results of the IS530 experiment at ISOLDE revealed new information concerning several nuclei close to the N ≈ 20 'Island of Inversion' - 34Mg, 34Al, 34Si. The half-life of 34Mgwas found to be three times larger than the adopted value (63(1) ms instead of 20(10) ms). The beta-gamma spectroscopy of 34Mgperformed for the first time in this experiment, led to the first experimental level scheme for 34Al, also showing that the full beta strength goes through the predicted 1+ isomer in 34Al[1] and/or excited states that deexcite to it. The subsequent beta-decay of the 1+ isomer in 34Alallowed the observation of new gamma lines in 34Si, (tentatively) associated with low-spin high-energy excited states previously unobserved.

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 Zapis kreiran 2016-06-08, zadnja izmjena 2017-07-31