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Report number GSI-90-62 ; GSI-PRE-90-62
Title Gamow-Teller beta decay of even-even nuclei close to the doubly magic nucleus $^{100}$Sn
Author(s) Rykaczewski, K ; Barden, R ; Gabelmann, H ; Grant, I S ; Hill, P ; Keller, H ; Kirchner, R ; Klepper, O ; Kolasinski, A ; Pfützner, M ; Plochocki, A ; Ravn, H L ; Roeckl, E ; Schardt, D ; Szerypo, J ; Thornsteinsen, T ; Zylicz, J
Affiliation (Ges. Schwerionenforsch. Darmstadt)
Publication 1990
Imprint Nov 1990
Number of pages 9
Presented at 21st Mikolajki Summer School on Nuclear Physics, Mikolajki, Poland, 26 Aug - 5 Sep1990
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Keywords Sn100 ; eveneven


 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 1990-11-30, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2014-12-15