| CERN is currently carrying out an ambitious improvement programme of the full LHC Injectors chain in order to enable the delivery of beams with the challenging HL-LHC parameters. The LHC Injectors Upgrade project coordinates this massive upgrade program, and covers a new linac (Linac4 project) as well as upgrades to the Proton Synchrotron Booster, the Proton Synchrotron and Super Proton Synchrotron. The heavy ion injector chain is also included, adding the Linac3 and Low Energy Ion Ring to the list of accelerators concerned. The performance objectives and roadmap of the main upgrades will be presented, including the work status and outlook. The machine studies and milestones during LHC Run 2 will be discussed and a preliminary Long Shutdown 2 installation planning given. Finally, for the LHC Run 3, the beam performance across the full injector chain after all the upgrades will be estimated and the required commissioning stages outlined. |