CERN Accelerating science

002135846 001__ 2135846
002135846 003__ SzGeCERN
002135846 005__ 20220810221509.0
002135846 0247_ $$2DOI$$9APS$$a10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.17.121002
002135846 0248_ $$$$pcerncds:CERN$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT$$qCERN$$qINSPIRE:HEP$$qForCDS
002135846 035__ $$9OSTI$$a1226309
002135846 035__ $$9$$$$d2016-03-01T16:28:53Z$$h2016-03-02T12:53:14Z$$mmarcxml
002135846 035__ $$9Inspire$$a1333446
002135846 041__ $$aeng
002135846 084__ $$2PACS$$a14.60.Pq
002135846 088__ $$aFERMILAB-PUB-14-555-AD-APC
002135846 100__ $$aBogomilov, M$$uSofiya U.
002135846 245__ $$aNeutrino Factory
002135846 260__ $$c2014
002135846 269__ $$c2014-12
002135846 300__ $$a14 p
002135846 520__ $$aThe properties of the neutrino provide a unique window on physics beyond that described by the standard model. The study of subleading effects in neutrino oscillations, and the race to discover CP-invariance violation in the lepton sector, has begun with the recent discovery that $\theta_{13} > 0$. The measured value of $\theta_{13}$ is large, emphasizing the need for a facility at which the systematic uncertainties can be reduced to the percent level. The neutrino factory, in which intense neutrino beams are produced from the decay of muons, has been shown to outperform all realistic alternatives and to be capable of making measurements of the requisite precision. Its unique discovery potential arises from the fact that only at the neutrino factory is it practical to produce high-energy electron (anti)neutrino beams of the required intensity. This paper presents the conceptual design of the neutrino factory accelerator facility developed by the European Commission Framework Programme 7 EURO$\nu$ Design Study consortium. EURO$\nu$ coordinated the European contributions to the International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory (the IDS-NF) collaboration. The EURO$\nu$ baseline accelerator facility will provide 10$^{21}$ muon decays per year from 12.6 GeV stored muon beams serving a single neutrino detector situated at a source-detector distance of between 1500 km and 2500 km. A suite of near detectors will allow definitive neutrino-scattering experiments to be performed.
002135846 540__ $$3publication$$aCC-BY-3.0
002135846 542__ $$3publication$$dThe Author(s)$$g2014
002135846 65017 $$2INSPIRE$$aHigh-Energy Accelerators and Colliders
002135846 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aAccelerators and Storage Rings
002135846 690C_ $$aCERN
002135846 700__ $$aMatev, R$$uSofiya U.
002135846 700__ $$aTsenov, R$$uSofiya U.
002135846 700__ $$aDracos, M$$uStrasbourg, IPHC
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2074110$$9#BEARD#$$aBonesini, M$$uINFN, Milan Bicocca
002135846 700__ $$aPalladino, V$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002135846 700__ $$aTortora, L$$uINFN, Rome
002135846 700__ $$aMori, Y$$uKyoto U., KURRI
002135846 700__ $$aPlanche, T$$uKyoto U., KURRI
002135846 700__ $$aLagrange, J  B$$uKyoto U., KURRI
002135846 700__ $$aKuno, Y$$uOsaka U.
002135846 700__ $$aBenedetto, E$$uCERN
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2051410$$9#BEARD#$$aEfthymiopoulos, I$$uCERN
002135846 700__ $$aGaroby, R$$uCERN
002135846 700__ $$aGilardoini, S$$uCERN
002135846 700__ $$aMartini, M$$uCERN
002135846 700__ $$aWildner, E$$uCERN
002135846 700__ $$aPrior, G$$uCERN
002135846 700__ $$aBlondel, A$$uGeneva U.
002135846 700__ $$aKaradzhow, Y$$uGeneva U.
002135846 700__ $$aEllis, M$$uBrunel U.
002135846 700__ $$aKyberd, P$$uBrunel U.
002135846 700__ $$aBayes, R$$uGlasgow U.
002135846 700__ $$aLaing, A$$uGlasgow U.
002135846 700__ $$aSoler, F  J  P$$uGlasgow U.
002135846 700__ $$aAlekou, A$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aApollonio, M$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aAslaninejad, M$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aBontoiu, C$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aJenner, L  J$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aKurup, A$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2090870$$9#BEARD#$$aLong, K$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aPasternak, J$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aZarrebini, A$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aPoslimski, J$$iINSPIRE-00161478$$uImperial Coll., London
002135846 700__ $$aBlackmore, V$$uOxford U.
002135846 700__ $$aCobb, J$$uOxford U.
002135846 700__ $$aTunnell, C$$uOxford U.
002135846 700__ $$aAndreopoulos, C$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aBennett, J  R  J$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aBrooks, S$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aCaretta, O$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aDavenne, T$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072682$$9#BEARD#$$aDensham, C$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aEdgecock, T  R$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aFitton, M$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aKelliher, D$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072727$$9#BEARD#$$aLoveridge, P$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aMcFarland, A$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aMachida, S$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aPrior, C$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aRees, G$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aRogers, C$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aRooney, M$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aThomason, J$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$aWilcox, D$$uRutherford
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2070350$$9#BEARD#$$aBooth, C$$uSheffield U.
002135846 700__ $$aSkoro, G$$uSheffield U.
002135846 700__ $$aBack, J  J$$uWarwick U.
002135846 700__ $$aHarrison, P$$uWarwick U.
002135846 700__ $$aBerg, J  S$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aFernow, R$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aGallardo, J  C$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aGupta, R$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aKirk, H$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aSimos, N$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aStratakis, D$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aSouchlas, N$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aWitte, H$$uBrookhaven
002135846 700__ $$aBross, A$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aGeer, S$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aJohnstone, C$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067742$$9#BEARD#$$aMokhov, N$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aNeuffer, D$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aPopovic, M$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2070031$$9#BEARD#$$aStrait, J$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aStriganov, S$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aMorfín, J  G$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aWands, R$$uFermilab
002135846 700__ $$aSnopok, P$$uIIT, Chicago
002135846 700__ $$aBogacz, S  A$$uJefferson Lab
002135846 700__ $$aMorozov, V$$uJefferson Lab
002135846 700__ $$aRoblin, Y$$uJefferson Lab
002135846 700__ $$aCline, D$$uUCLA
002135846 700__ $$aDing, X$$uUCLA
002135846 700__ $$aBromberg, C$$uMichigan State U.
002135846 700__ $$aHart, T$$uMississippi U.
002135846 700__ $$aAbrams, R  J$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aAnkenbrandt, C  M$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aBeard, K  B$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aCummings, M  A  C$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aFlanagan, G$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aJohnson, R  P$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aRoberts, T  J$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aYoshikawa, C  Y$$uMUONS Inc., Batavia
002135846 700__ $$aGraves, V  B$$uOak Ridge
002135846 700__ $$aMcDonald, K  T$$uPrinceton U.
002135846 700__ $$aConey, L$$uUC, Riverside
002135846 700__ $$aHanson, G$$uUC, Riverside
002135846 773__ $$c121002$$n12$$pPhys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams$$v17$$y2014
002135846 8564_ $$81181721$$s2795946$$u$$yAPS Open Access article
002135846 960__ $$a13
002135846 980__ $$aARTICLE