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Report number IYAF-90-53 ; Novosibirsk-P-90-53
Title Measurement of two-photon widths of the a$_{2}$, eta', eta
Author(s) Baru, S E ; Blinov, A E ; Blinov, V E ; Bondar, A E ; Bukin, A D ; Eidelman, Yu I ; Groshev, V R ; Kiselev, V A ; Klimenko, S G ; Kolachev, G M ; Mishnev, S I ; Onuchin, A P ; Panin, V S ; Petrov, V V ; Protopopov, I Ya ; Shamov, A G ; Sidorov, V A ; Skovpen, Yu I ; Skrinsky, A N ; Tayursky, V A ; Telnov, V I ; Temnykh, A B ; Tikhonov, Yu A ; Tumaikin, G M ; Undrus, A E ; Vorobev, A I ; Zhilich, V N ; Zholents, A A
Publication 1990
Imprint 18 Apr 1990
Number of pages 16
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Keywords A(2) ; etaprime


 Notice créée le 1990-10-17, modifiée le 2014-12-15