CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Thermal and Mechanical Analysis of the Radiation Shield Design for HiLumi LHC Crab Cavity Cryomodule
Author(s) May, Andrew (Daresbury ; Manchester U.) ; Jones, Thomas (Daresbury) ; Templeton, Niklas (Daresbury) ; Pattalwar, Shrikant (Daresbury)
Publication 2015
Number of pages 6
In: Phys. Procedia 67 (2015) 314-319
In: 25th International Cryogenic Conference & International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2014, Twente U., Enschede, The Netherlands, 07 - 11 Jul 2014, pp.314-319
DOI 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.06.093
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A prototype cryomodule to test the performance of the crab cavities for the HiLumi LHC is currently being designed and scheduled to be installed on SPS at CERN prior to LS2 (long shut down). The cryomodule design consists of a unique open access structure, facilitating loading of the cavity string from the sides. It also provides access to internal components quickly and easily, even after installation. Design of the radiation shield and the cooling scheme for introducing thermal intercepts at intermediate temperatures, particularly for the high power RF couplers, is critical to achieving a desired stability at the cavity operating temperature of 2K, as well as keeping the cooling power within the limits of the cryoplant available in the SPS test area at CERN. This paper describes the results of the thermal and mechanical analysis of the design for the radiation shield and thermal intercepts developed in the process.
Copyright/License publication: © 2015-2025 The Author(s) (License: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0)

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 Journalen skapades 2015-11-18, och modifierades senast 2022-08-10

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