CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1507.08764 ; CERN-PH-EP-2015-201 ; CERN-PH-EP-2015-201
Title Measurements of longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions for neutral pions in the forward-rapidity region with the LHCf detector

Adriani, O. (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) ; Berti, E. (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) ; Bonechi, L. (INFN, Florence) ; Bongi, M. (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) ; D'Alessandro, R. (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) ; Del Prete, M. (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) ; Haguenauer, M. (Ec. Polytech., Palaiseau (main)) ; Itow, Y. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab. ; KMI, Nagoya) ; Iwata, T. (Waseda U., RISE) ; Kasahara, K. (Waseda U., RISE) ; Kawade, K. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab.) ; Makino, Y. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab.) ; Masuda, K. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab.) ; Matsubayashi, E. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab.) ; Menjo, H. (Nagoya U.) ; Mitsuka, G. (Florence U.) ; Muraki, Y. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab.) ; Papini, P. (INFN, Florence) ; Perrot, A.L. (CERN) ; Ricciarini, S. (INFN, Florence ; IFAC, Florence) ; Sako, T. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab. ; KMI, Nagoya) ; Sakurai, N. (KMI, Nagoya) ; Suzuki, T. (Waseda U., RISE) ; Tamura, T. (Kanagawa U.) ; Tiberio, A. (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) ; Torii, S. (Waseda U., RISE) ; Tricomi, A. (INFN, Catania ; Catania U.) ; Turner, W.C. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ueno, M. (KMI, Nagoya) ; Zhou, Q.D. (Nagoya U., Solar-Terrestrial Environ. Lab.)

Publication 2016-08-22
Imprint 31 Jul 2015
Number of pages 38
Note 47 pages, 23 figures, 59 tables, accepted in PRD
In: Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 032007
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.032007
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; LHCf
Free keywords forward physics ; minimum bias ; experimental results
Abstract The transverse and longitudinal momentum distributions for inclusive neutral pions in the very forward rapidity region have been measured with the Large Hadron Collider forward detector in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 2.76 and 7 TeV and in proton-lead collisions at nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}=$ 5.02 TeV at the LHC. Such momentum distributions in proton-proton collisions are compatible with the hypotheses of limiting fragmentation and Feynman scaling. A sizable suppression of the production of neutral pions, after taking into account ultraperipheral collisions, is found in the transverse and longitudinal momentum distributions obtained in proton-lead collisions. This leads to a strong nuclear modification factor value of about 0.1-0.3. The experimental measurements presented in this paper provide a benchmark for the hadronic interaction Monte Carlo simulations codes that are used for the simulation of air showers.
Copyright/License preprint: © 2015-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)
publication: © 2015-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

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