| Left: Allowed regions in the $\Gamma^{V}_{\mu\mu}- \Gamma^{V}_{\mu\tau}$ plane from $\tau\to\mu\nu\bar{\nu}$ (at $3\,\sigma$ level) for $\Gamma^{V}_{\tau\tau}=0$ (blue), $\Gamma^{V}_{\tau\tau}=-2$ (yellow), $\Gamma^{V}_{\tau\tau}=2$ (green), $\tau\to3\mu$ (red) and $a_{\mu}$ (light gray) for $m_{Z^\prime}=1\,{\rm TeV}$. The $1\,\sigma$ region allowed from NTP lies between the magenta dashed lines. Although NP effects move $a_\mu$ to the right direction, it cannot be explained within our model and we do not impose it as a constraint later on in our analysis. \newline Right: Allowed regions in the $\Gamma^{L}_{\mu\mu} - \Gamma^{L}_{\mu\tau}$ plane: from $\tau\to\mu\nu\bar{\nu}$ for $\Gamma^{L}_{\tau\tau}=0$ (blue), $\Gamma^{L}_{\tau\tau}=-2$ (yellow), $\Gamma^{L}_{\tau\tau}=2$ (green), $\tau\to3\mu$ (red) for $m_{Z^\prime}=1\,{\rm TeV}$. The contour lines denote the shift in $a_{\mu}$ in units of $10^{-10}$. For regions compatible with $\tau\to\mu\nu\bar{\nu}$, the NP effects in $a_\mu$ are rather small. Therefore, we do not impose it as a constraint later on. Bounds from NTP lie outside the plotted range and are not shown. |