Αρχική Σελίδα > Planck 2015 results. X. Diffuse component separation: Foreground maps |
Article | |
Report number | arXiv:1502.01588 |
Title | Planck 2015 results. X. Diffuse component separation: Foreground maps |
Author(s) |
Adam, R. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Ade, P.A.R. (Cardiff U.) ; Aghanim, N. (Orsay, IAS) ; Alves, M.I.R. (Orsay, IAS) ; Arnaud, M. (AIM, Saclay) ; Ashdown, M. (Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U.) ; Aumont, J. (Orsay, IAS) ; Baccigalupi, C. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Banday, A.J. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Barreiro, R.B. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Bartlett, J.G. (APC, Paris ; Caltech, JPL) ; Bartolo, N. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Battaner, E. (Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Benabed, K. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Benoît, A. (Neel Lab, Grenoble) ; Benoit-Lévy, A. (University Coll. London ; Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Bernard, J.-P. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Bersanelli, M. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Bielewicz, P. (IRAP, Toulouse ; INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Bock, J.J. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Bonaldi, A. (Jodrell Bank) ; Bonavera, L. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Bond, J.R. (Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Borrill, J. (LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley, Space Sci. Dept.) ; Bouchet, F.R. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Boulanger, F. (Orsay, IAS) ; Bucher, M. (APC, Paris) ; Burigana, C. (IASF, Bologna ; Ferrara U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Butler, R.C. (IASF, Bologna) ; Calabrese, E. (Oxford U.) ; Cardoso, J.-F. (APC, Paris ; Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Catalano, A. (LPSC, Grenoble ; Paris Observ.) ; Challinor, A. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Chamballu, A. (AIM, Saclay ; IRFU, SPP, Saclay ; Orsay, IAS) ; Chary, R.-R. (Caltech, IPAC) ; Chiang, H.C. (Princeton U. ; KwaZulu Natal U.) ; Christensen, P.R. (Bohr Inst.) ; Clements, D.L. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Colombi, S. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Colombo, L.P.L. (Southern California U. ; Caltech, JPL) ; Combet, C. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Couchot, F. (Orsay, LAL) ; Coulais, A. (Paris Observ.) ; Crill, B.P. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Curto, A. (Cambridge U. ; Cantabria U., Santander) ; Cuttaia, F. (IASF, Bologna) ; Danese, L. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Davies, R.D. (Jodrell Bank) ; Davis, R.J. (Jodrell Bank) ; de Bernardis, P. (Rome U.) ; de Rosa, A. (IASF, Bologna) ; de Zotti, G. (Padua Observ. ; INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Delabrouille, J. (APC, Paris) ; Désert, F.-X. (IPAG) ; Dickinson, C. (Jodrell Bank) ; Diego, J.M. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Dole, H. (Orsay, IAS ; IUF, Paris) ; Donzelli, S. (IASF, Milan) ; Doré, O. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Douspis, M. (Orsay, IAS) ; Ducout, A. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys. ; Imperial Coll., London) ; Dupac, X. (ESA, Madrid) ; Efstathiou, G. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron.) ; Elsner, F. (University Coll. London ; Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Enßlin, T.A. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Eriksen, H.K. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; Falgarone, E. (Paris Observ.) ; Fergusson, J. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Finelli, F. (IASF, Bologna ; INFN, Bologna) ; Forni, O. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Frailis, M. (Trieste Observ.) ; Fraisse, A.A. (Princeton U.) ; Franceschi, E. (IASF, Bologna) ; Frejsel, A. (Bohr Inst.) ; Galeotta, S. (Trieste Observ.) ; Galli, S. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Ganga, K. (APC, Paris) ; Ghosh, T. (Orsay, IAS) ; Giard, M. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Giraud-Héraud, Y. (APC, Paris) ; Gjerløw, E. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; González-Nuevo, J. (Cantabria U., Santander ; INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Górski, K.M. (Caltech, JPL ; Warsaw U. Observ.) ; Gratton, S. (Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron.) ; Gregorio, A. (Trieste U. ; Trieste Observ. ; INFN, Trieste) ; Gruppuso, A. (IASF, Bologna) ; Gudmundsson, J.E. (Princeton U.) ; Hansen, F.K. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; Hanson, D. (McGill U. ; Caltech, JPL ; Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Harrison, D.L. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Helou, G. (Caltech) ; Henrot-Versillé, S. (Orsay, LAL) ; Hernández-Monteagudo, C. (CEFCA, Teruel ; Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Herranz, D. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Hildebrandt, S.R. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Hivon, E. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Hobson, M. (Cambridge U.) ; Holmes, W.A. (Caltech, JPL) ; Hornstrup, A. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Hovest, W. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Huffenberger, K.M. (Florida State U.) ; Hurier, G. (Orsay, IAS) ; Jaffe, A.H. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Jaffe, T.R. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Jones, W.C. (Princeton U.) ; Juvela, M. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Keihänen, E. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Keskitalo, R. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Kisner, T.S. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Kneissl, R. (European Southern Obs., Chile) ; Knoche, J. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Kunz, M. (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys. ; Orsay, IAS ; African Inst. Math. Sci., Cape Town) ; Kurki-Suonio, H. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Lagache, G. (Marseille, Lab. Astrophys. ; Orsay, IAS) ; Lähteenmäki, A. (Aalto U. ; Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Lamarre, J.-M. (Paris Observ.) ; Lasenby, A. (Cambridge U. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Lattanzi, M. (Ferrara U.) ; Lawrence, C.R. (Caltech, JPL) ; Le Jeune, M. (APC, Paris) ; Leahy, J.P. (Jodrell Bank) ; Leonardi, R. (ESA, Madrid) ; Lesgourgues, J. (CERN ; Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne ; Annecy, LAPTH) ; Levrier, F. (Paris Observ.) ; Liguori, M. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Lilje, P.B. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; Linden-Vørnle, M. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; López-Caniego, M. (ESA, Madrid ; Cantabria U., Santander) ; Lubin, P.M. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Macías-Pérez, J.F. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Maggio, G. (Trieste Observ.) ; Maino, D. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Mandolesi, N. (IASF, Bologna ; Ferrara U.) ; Mangilli, A. (Orsay, IAS ; Orsay, LAL) ; Maris, M. (Trieste Observ.) ; Marshall, D.J. (AIM, Saclay) ; Martin, P.G. (Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Martínez-González, E. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Masi, S. (Rome U.) ; Matarrese, S. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua ; GSSI, Aquila) ; Mazzotta, P. (Rome U., Tor Vergata) ; McGehee, P. (Caltech, IPAC) ; Meinhold, P.R. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Melchiorri, A. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Mendes, L. (ESA, Madrid) ; Mennella, A. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Migliaccio, M. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Mitra, S. (IUCAA, Pune ; Caltech, JPL) ; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A. (Orsay, IAS ; Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Moneti, A. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Montier, L. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Morgante, G. (IASF, Bologna) ; Mortlock, D. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Moss, A. (Nottingham U.) ; Munshi, D. (Cardiff U.) ; Murphy, J.A. (NUIM, Maynooth) ; Naselsky, P. (Bohr Inst.) ; Nati, F. (Princeton U.) ; Natoli, P. (Ferrara U. ; ASI, Rome ; IASF, Bologna) ; Netterfield, C.B. (Toronto U., Astron. Dept.) ; Nørgaard-Nielsen, H.U. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Noviello, F. (Jodrell Bank) ; Novikov, D. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Novikov, I. (Bohr Inst. ; Lebedev Inst.) ; Orlando, E. (KIPAC, Menlo Park ; SLAC) ; Oxborrow, C.A. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Paci, F. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Pagano, L. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Pajot, F. (Orsay, IAS) ; Paladini, R. (Caltech, IPAC) ; Paoletti, D. (IASF, Bologna ; INFN, Bologna) ; Partridge, B. (Haverford Coll.) ; Pasian, F. (Trieste Observ.) ; Patanchon, G. (APC, Paris) ; Pearson, T.J. (Caltech ; Caltech, IPAC) ; Perdereau, O. (Orsay, LAL) ; Perotto, L. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Perrotta, F. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Pettorino, V. (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Piacentini, F. (Rome U.) ; Piat, M. (APC, Paris) ; Pierpaoli, E. (Southern California U.) ; Pietrobon, D. (Caltech, JPL) ; Plaszczynski, S. (Orsay, LAL) ; Pointecouteau, E. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Polenta, G. (ASI, Rome ; Rome Observ.) ; Pratt, G.W. (AIM, Saclay) ; Prézeau, G. (Caltech ; Caltech, JPL) ; Prunet, S. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Puget, J.-L. (Orsay, IAS) ; Rachen, J.P. (Nijmegen U., IMAPP ; Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Reach, W.T. (Arizona U., Astron. Dept. - Steward Observ.) ; Rebolo, R. (IAC, La Laguna ; CSIC, Madrid ; Laguna U., Tenerife) ; Reinecke, M. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Remazeilles, M. (Jodrell Bank ; Orsay, IAS ; APC, Paris) ; Renault, C. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Renzi, A. (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Ristorcelli, I. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Rocha, G. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Rosset, C. (APC, Paris) ; Rossetti, M. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Roudier, G. (APC, Paris ; Paris Observ. ; Caltech, JPL) ; Rubiño-Martín, J.A. (IAC, La Laguna ; Laguna U., Tenerife) ; Rusholme, B. (Caltech, IPAC) ; Sandri, M. (IASF, Bologna) ; Santos, D. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Savelainen, M. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Savini, G. (University Coll. London) ; Scott, D. (British Columbia U.) ; Seiffert, M.D. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Shellard, E.P.S. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Spencer, L.D. (Cardiff U.) ; Stolyarov, V. (Cambridge U. ; Cambridge U., KICC ; Stavropol, Astrophys. Observ.) ; Stompor, R. (APC, Paris) ; Strong, A.W. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Sudiwala, R. (Cardiff U.) ; Sunyaev, R. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE ; Moscow, Space Res. Inst.) ; Sutton, D. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Suur-Uski, A.-S. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Sygnet, J.-F. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Tauber, J.A. (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Terenzi, L. (Rome U. ; IASF, Bologna) ; Toffolatti, L. (Oviedo U. ; Cantabria U., Santander ; IASF, Bologna) ; Tomasi, M. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Tristram, M. (Orsay, LAL) ; Tucci, M. (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Tuovinen, J. (Trinity Coll., Dublin) ; Umana, G. (Catania Astrophys. Observ.) ; Valenziano, L. (IASF, Bologna) ; Valiviita, J. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Van Tent, B. (Orsay, LPT) ; Vielva, P. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Villa, F. (IASF, Bologna) ; Wade, L.A. (Caltech, JPL) ; Wandelt, B.D. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys. ; Illinois U., Urbana) ; Wehus, I.K. (Caltech, JPL) ; Wilkinson, A. (Jodrell Bank) ; Yvon, D. (IRFU, SPP, Saclay) ; Zacchei, A. (Trieste Observ.) |
Publication | 2016-09-20 |
Imprint | 05 Feb 2015 |
Number of pages | 63 |
Note | Comments: 62 pages, 49 figures, submitted to A&A 65 pages, 51 figures, submitted to A&A; added power spectrum discussion, added references, and minor corrections |
In: | Astron. Astrophys. 594 (2016) A10 |
DOI | 10.1051/0004-6361/201525967 |
Subject category | Astrophysics and Astronomy |
Abstract | Planck has mapped the microwave sky in nine frequency bands between 30 and 857 GHz in temperature and seven bands between 30 and 353 GHz in polarization. In this paper we consider the problem of diffuse astrophysical component separation, and process these maps within a Bayesian framework to derive a consistent set of full-sky astrophysical component maps. For the temperature analysis, we combine the Planck observations with the 9-year WMAP sky maps and the Haslam et al. 408 MHz map to derive a joint model of CMB, synchrotron, free-free, spinning dust, CO, line emission in the 94 and 100 GHz channels, and thermal dust emission. Full-sky maps are provided with angular resolutions varying between 7.5 arcmin and 1 deg. Global parameters (monopoles, dipoles, relative calibration, and bandpass errors) are fitted jointly with the sky model, and best-fit values are tabulated. For polarization, the model includes CMB, synchrotron, and thermal dust emission. These models provide excellent fits to the observed data, with rms temperature residuals smaller than 4 uK over 93% of the sky for all Planck frequencies up to 353 GHz, and fractional errors smaller than 1% in the remaining 7% of the sky. The main limitations of the temperature model at the lower frequencies are degeneracies among the spinning dust, free-free, and synchrotron components; additional observations from external low-frequency experiments will be essential to break these. The main limitations of the temperature model at the higher frequencies are uncertainties in the 545 and 857 GHz calibration and zero-points. For polarization, the main outstanding issues are instrumental systematics in the 100-353 GHz bands on large angular scales in the form of temperature-to-polarization leakage, uncertainties in the analog-to-digital conversion, and very long time constant corrections, all of which are expected to improve in the near future. |
Copyright/License | arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0 |