Report number
| CERN-EP-87-63 |
| Performance of a scintillating fibre detector for the UA2 upgrade |
Ansorge, Rainer E ; Aurouet, C ; Bareyre, P ; Bonamy, P ; Booth, C N ; Bouchard, M ; Bourdinaud, M ; Cordier, M ; Crittenden, James Arthur ; Dupont, J ; Dupraz, J P ; Einsweiler, Kevin F ; Engster, Claude ; Fabre, Jean-Paul ; Gaillard, Jean-Marc ; Garavel, J L ; Hultqvist, K ; Jeanney, C ; Katvars, S G ; Lefebvre, M ; Linssen, Lucie ; McCluskey, B ; Merkel, B ; Meyer, J P ; Munday, D J ; Nappey, P ; Pentney, J M ; Reynaud, S ; Rushbrooke, John G ; Thévenin, J C ; Tsang, W Y ; Weidberg, A R ; Wells, P S ; Wotton, S A ; White, T O ; Zaccone, Henri Εμφάνιση και των 36 συγγραφέων |
| (Univ. Cambridge) ; (CEN Saclay) ; (CERN) ; (Paris Univ. Orsay) |
| 1988 |
| 31 Mar 1987 |
Number of pages
| 32 |
| International Conference on Advances in Experimental Methods for Colliding-beam Physics, Stanford, CA, USA, 9 Mar 1987, pp.33-49 |
| 10.1016/0168-9002(88)91052-2
Subject category
| Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment
| CERN SPS ; UA2 |
Free keywords
| UA2 ; electron ; identification ; performance ; testing ; tracking |