CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Characterising excited states in and around the semi-magic nucleus $^{68}$ Ni using Coulomb excitation and one-neutron transfer
Experiment IS587
Greybook See IS587 experiment
Approved 27 November 2013
Status Preparation
Collaboration ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract It is proposed to investigate the structure of excited states in $^{68, 70}$Ni(Z =28, N=40, 42) via the measurement of electromagnetic matrix elements in a Coulomb excitation experiment in order to study the N = 40 harmonic-oscillator shell and the Z = 28 proton shell closures. The measured B(E2) values connecting low-lying 0$^{+}$ and 2$^{+}$ can be compared to shell-model predictions. It is also proposed to perform the one-neutron transfer reaction ${d}$($^{68}$Ni,$^{69}$Ni)${p}$, with the aim of populating excited states in $^{69}$Ni. Comparisons with the states populated in the recently performed ${d}$($^{66}$Ni,$^{67}$Ni)${p}$ reaction will be useful in determining the role of the neutron $d_{5/2}$ orbital in the semi-magic properties of $^{68}$Ni.
Related document(s) CERN-INTC-2013-042  (INTC-P-398)
Contact: Rapisarda, E

 Rekord stworzony 2014-04-01, ostatnia modyfikacja 2020-11-19