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Report number TRI-PP-86-13
Title Tensor analyzing power in pi.d elastic scattering
Author(s) Smith, G R ; Altman, A ; Delheij, P P J ; Gill, D R ; Healey, D C ; Johnson, R R ; Jones, G ; Ottewell, D F ; Rozon, F M ; Sevior, M E ; Tervisidis, F ; Trellé, R P ; Wait, G D ; Walden, P L ; Lolos, G J ; Mathie, E L ; Naqvi, S I H ; Boschitz, E T ; Otterman, C R ; Kyle, G S ; Amaudruz, P A
Publication 1986
Imprint Mar 1986
Number of pages 14
Published in: Phys. Rev. Lett.
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Keywords pid
Other source Inspire


 Record created 1990-01-29, last modified 2014-12-15

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