Report number
| TIARA-CONF-WP9-2014-001 |
| A flexible testing facility for high-power targets (Tiara FP7 program) |
| Fusco, Y. (CERN) ; Behzad, M. (Sungkyunkwan University) ; Samec, K. (CERN) ; Kadi, Y. (CERN, Sungkyunkwan University) |
| 2014 |
| 2014-03-24 |
Presented at
| 2nd International Workshop on Technology and Components of Accelerator-Driven Systems, Nantes, France, 21 - 23 May 2013 |
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings ; 9: TIHPAC R&D Infrastructure ; 9.1: M-MWIF Multi MW Irradiation Facility for complex target testing |
| material irradiation ; test facility ; MEGAPIE ; EURISOL ; TIARA |
| Building on recent experience in the field of applied physics, TIARA Work package n° 9 focuses on target applications for accelerators in Europe. A roadmap for target development has been derived from major achievements in the EU-FP6 and EU-FP7 programs such as the MEGAPIE and EURISOL experiments. The TIARA management board concluded that a worthwhile continuation of such projects would be in the development of a flexible material irradiation facility easily transportable and which could be installed in different laboratories. The power is limited to 100 kW in a very compact arrangement so as to obtain the best neutron economy from a moderate beam power which is more likely to be found in laboratories across Europe. The challenges posed by such a compact design and accompanying calculations are presented in the current work. |
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