Examples of (a) \mbox{$s$-channel} and (b) \mbox{$t$-channel} Feynman diagrams for 4$\ell$ production in $pp$ collisions.
Examples of (a) \mbox{$s$-channel} and (b) \mbox{$t$-channel} Feynman diagrams for 4$\ell$ production in $pp$ collisions.
Invariant mass distributions of (a) the leading lepton pair, $m_{12}$, (b) the subleading lepton pair, $m_{34}$ , and (c) the four-lepton system, $m_{4\ell}$. The MC simulation expectation for a combination of all channels is compared to $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 8~\TeV{} data. All selections are applied except in (c) there is no $m_{4\ell}$ requirement. The background contributes $< 1\%$ of the total expected signal (invisible in the plots).
Invariant mass distributions of (a) the leading lepton pair, $m_{12}$, (b) the subleading lepton pair, $m_{34}$ , and (c) the four-lepton system, $m_{4\ell}$. The MC simulation expectation for a combination of all channels is compared to $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 8~\TeV{} data. All selections are applied except in (c) there is no $m_{4\ell}$ requirement. The background contributes $< 1\%$ of the total expected signal (invisible in the plots).
Invariant mass distributions of (a) the leading lepton pair, $m_{12}$, (b) the subleading lepton pair, $m_{34}$ , and (c) the four-lepton system, $m_{4\ell}$. The MC simulation expectation for a combination of all channels is compared to $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 8~\TeV{} data. All selections are applied except in (c) there is no $m_{4\ell}$ requirement. The background contributes $< 1\%$ of the total expected signal (invisible in the plots).