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Report number BONN-HE-85-31
Title Deuteron electrodisintegration in the DELTA resonance region at a four-momentum transfer Q$^{2}$ = 0.23 (GeV/c)$^{2}$
Author(s) Breuker, Horst ; Burkert, V D ; Ehses, E ; Hartfiel, U ; Knop, G ; Kroesen, G ; Langen, J ; Leenen, M ; Mehnert, W ; Samel, A ; Sauerwein, R R ; Schablitzky, H D ; Schnicke, G
Publication 1985
Imprint Oct 1985?
Number of pages 18
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Keywords Q(2)
Other source Inspire


 Record created 1990-01-29, last modified 2016-06-29