CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1312.3498
Title Determining the 7Li(n,gamma) cross section via Coulomb dissociation of 8Li
Related titleDetermining the 7Li(n,gamma) cross section via Coulomb dissociation of 8Li
Author(s) Izsak, R. (Eotvos U., Dept. Atomic Phys.) ; Horvath, A. (Eotvos U., Dept. Atomic Phys.) ; Kiss, A. (Eotvos U., Dept. Atomic Phys.) ; Seres, Z. (Wigner RCP, Budapest) ; Galonsky, A. (Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Bertulani, C.A. (Texas A-M, Commerce) ; Fulop, Zs. (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Baumann, T. (Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Bazin, D. (Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Ieki, K. (Rikkyo U., RCMAS) ; Bordeanu, C. (U. Washington, Seattle (main)) ; Carlin, N. (Sao Paulo U.) ; Csanad, M. (Eotvos U., Dept. Atomic Phys.) ; Deak, F. (Eotvos U., Dept. Atomic Phys.) ; DeYoung, P. (Hope Coll.) ; Frank, N. (CERN ; Michigan State U., NSCL ; Michigan State U.) ; Fukuchi, T. (Kyushu U. ; Tokyo U.) ; Gade, A. (Michigan State U. ; Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Galaviz, D. (Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Hoffman, C.R. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Peters, W.A. (Giessen U. ; Michigan State U., NSCL ; Michigan State U.) ; Schelin, H. (CEFET, Curitiba ; Kharkov, KIPT ; Sao Paulo U. ; Tech. Fed. Parana U.) ; Thoennessen, M. (Michigan State U. ; Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Veres, G.I. (Budapest, RMKI ; Eotvos U., Dept. Atomic Phys.)
Publication 2013-12-23
Imprint 12 Dec 2013
Number of pages 9
Note Comments: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C
Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C
In: Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 065808
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.065808
Subject category nucl-ex ; Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Abstract The applicability of Coulomb dissociation reactions to determine the cross section for the inverse neutron capture reaction was explored using the reaction 8Li(gamma,n)7Li. A 69.5 MeV/nucleon 8Li beam was incident on a Pb target, and the outgoing neutron and 7Li nucleus were measured in coincidence. The deduced (n,gamma) excitation function is consistent with data for the direct capture reaction 7Li(n,gamma)8Li and with low-energy effective field theory calculations.
Copyright/License arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0

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 Record creato 2013-12-13, modificato l'ultima volta il 2022-02-11

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