![](https://cds.cern.ch/record/1600924/files/fig00003.png) | noimg\small Distributions of the (a) $\Kp\Km\Km$ and (b) $\Kp\Km$ masses of the selected \decay{\Bm}{\phi\Km} candidates, as well as of the (c) $\Kp\Km\Kp$ and (d) $\Kp\Km$ masses of the selected \decay{\Bp}{\phi\Kp} candidates. The solid blue curves represent the result of the simultaneous fit described in the text, with the following components: \decay{\Bpm}{\phi\Kpm} signal (dotted red), nonresonant \decay{\Bpm}{\Kp\Km\Kpm} background (dashed red), partially reconstructed $b$-hadron background with (dotted blue) or without (dashed blue) a true $\phi$ meson, and combinatorial background with (dotted green) or without (dashed green) a true $\phi$ meson. Some of the components are barely visible because the corresponding yields are small. Normalized residuals are displayed below each histogram. |