CERN Accelerating science

EuCARD Conference Paper
Report number EuCARD-CON-2012-030
Date(s), location
Imprint 2012
Author(s) Stadlmann, J (GSI) ; Boyzk, L (GSI, TU Darmstadt) ; Kollmus, H (GSI) ; Spiller, P (GSI) ; Strasik, I (GSI) ; Tahir, N A (GSI) ; Tomut, M (GSI, NIMP Bucharest) ; Trautmann, C (GSI, TU Darmstadt)
WP 8: Collimators & materials for higher beam power beam
Task 8.1: ColMat Coordination & Communication
Abstract The operation of high power high brightness accelerators requires huge efforts for beam cleaning and machine protection. Within the WP 8 (ColMat) of the EU research framework EuCARD[1] we investigate new materials and methods for beam collimation and machine protection. We present an overview of these activities at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum f¨ur Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt. Simulations of accidental beam losses in LHC and SIS100 have been performed. Scenarios for halo collimation of heavy ions and protons in SIS100 routine operation have been investigated. A prototype of a cryogenic collimator for charge exchange losses during intermediate charge state heavy ion operation in SIS100 has been build and tested with beam. Several candidates of advanced composite materials for collimation system upgrades of present and future high power accelerators have been irradiated and their properties are being characterized. Most deliverables and milestones of the R&D programme were already reached before the end of the funding period.
Published in Conf. Proc. C1205201 (2012) pp.WEPPD028
Presented at 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 20 - 25 May 2012, pp.2564

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 Zapis kreiran 2013-05-28, zadnja izmjena 2017-03-02

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