CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number arXiv:1305.1419 ; CERN-SPSC-2013-015 ; SPSC-EOI-009 ; FERMILAB-PUB-13-742-AD ; SPSC-EOI-009
Title Neutrinos from Stored Muons nuSTORM: Expression of Interest
Project Manager/Technical Coordinator Bross, Alan
Author(s) Adey, D. (Fermilab) ; Agarwalla, S.K. (Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys.) ; Ankenbrandt, C.M. (Fermilab ; MUONS Inc., Batavia) ; Asfandiyarov, R. (Geneva U.) ; Back, J.J. (Warwick U.) ; Barker, G. (Warwick U.) ; Baussan, E. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Bayes, R. (Glasgow U.) ; Bhadra, S. (York U., Canada) ; Blackmore, V. (Oxford U.) ; Blondel, A. (Geneva U.) ; Bogacz, S.A. (Jefferson Lab) ; Booth, C. (Sheffield U.) ; Boyd, S.B. (Warwick U.) ; Bravar, A. (Geneva U.) ; Brice, S.J. (Fermilab) ; Bross, A.D. (Fermilab) ; Cadoux, F. (Geneva U.) ; Cease, H. (Fermilab) ; Cervera, A. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Cobb, J. (Oxford U.) ; Colling, D. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Coney, L. (UC, Riverside) ; Dobbs, A. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Dobson, J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Donini, A. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Dornan, P.J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Dracos, M. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Dufour, F. (Geneva U.) ; Edgecock, R. (Rutherford) ; Evans, J. (Manchester U.) ; Geelhoed, M. (Fermilab) ; George, M.A. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Ghosh, T. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; de Gouvea, A. (Northwestern U.) ; Gomez-Cadenas, J.J. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Haesler, A. (Geneva U.) ; Hanson, G. (UC, Riverside) ; Harrison, P.F. (Warwick U.) ; Hartz, M. (Toronto U. ; York U., Canada) ; Hernandez, P. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Hernando-Morata, J.A. (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Hodgson, P.J. (Sheffield U.) ; Huber, P. (Virginia Tech.) ; Izmaylov, A. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Karadhzov, Y. (Geneva U.) ; Kobilarcik, T. (Fermilab) ; Kopp, J. (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Kormos, L. (Lancaster U.) ; Korzenev, A. (Geneva U.) ; Kurup, A. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Kuno, Y. (Osaka U.) ; Kyberd, P. (Brunel U.) ; Lagrange, J.B. (Kyoto U.) ; Laing, A.M. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Link, J. (Virginia Tech.) ; Liu, A. (Indiana U. ; Fermilab) ; Long, K.R. (Imperial Coll., London) ; McCauley, N. (Liverpool U.) ; McDonald, K.T. (Princeton U.) ; Mahn, K. (TRIUMF) ; Martin, C. (Geneva U.) ; Martin, J. (Toronto U.) ; Mena, O. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Mishra, S.R. (South Carolina U.) ; Mokhov, N. (Fermilab) ; Morfin, J. (Fermilab) ; Mori, Y. (Kyoto U.) ; Murray, W. (Rutherford) ; Neuffer, D. (Fermilab) ; Nichol, R. (University Coll. London) ; Noah, E. (Geneva U.) ; Palmer, M.A. (Fermilab) ; Parke, S. (Fermilab) ; Pascoli, S. (Durham U., IPPP) ; Pasternak, J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Popovic, M. (Fermilab) ; Ratoff, P. (Lancaster U.) ; Ravonel, M. (Geneva U.) ; Rayner, M. (Geneva U.) ; Ricciardi, S. (Rutherford) ; Rogers, C. (Rutherford) ; Rubinov, P. (Fermilab) ; Santos, E. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Sato, A. (Osaka U.) ; Scantamburlo, E. (Geneva U.) ; Sedgbeer, J.K. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Smith, D.R. (Brunel U.) ; Smith, P.J. (Sheffield U.) ; Sobczyk, J.T. (Wroclaw U.) ; Soldner-Rembold, S. (Manchester U.) ; Soler, F.J.P. (Glasgow U.) ; Sorel, M. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Stahl, A. (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Stanco, L. (INFN, Padua) ; Stamoulis, P. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Striganov, S. (Fermilab) ; Tanaka, H. (British Columbia U.) ; Taylor, I.J. (Warwick U.) ; Touramanis, C. (Liverpool U.) ; Tunnell, C.D. (Oxford U.) ; Uchida, Y. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Vassilopoulos, N. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Wascko, M.O. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Wilking, M.J. (TRIUMF) ; Weber, A. (Oxford U.) ; Wildner, E. (CERN) ; Winter, W. (Wurzburg U.) ; Yang, U.K. (Manchester U.)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. SPS and PS Experiments Committee ; SPSC
Series (Expression of Interest)
Note 59 pages; 24 figures; 5 tables
Submitted by [email protected] on 05 Apr 2013
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The $ u$STORM facility has been designed to deliver beams of $ u_e$ and $ u_mu$ from the decay of a stored $mu^pm$ beam with a central momentum of 3.8 GeV/c and a momentum spread of 10%. The facility is unique in that it will: serve the future long- and short-baseline neutrino-oscillation programmes by providing definitive measurements of $ u_e N$ and $ u_mu N$ scattering cross sections with percent-level precision; allow searches for sterile neutrinos of exquisite sensitivity to be carried out; and constitute the essential first step in the incremental development of muon accelerators as a powerful new technique for particle physics. Of the world's proton-accelerator laboratories, only CERN and FNAL have the infrastructure required to mount $ u$STORM. In view of the fact that no siting decision has yet been taken, the purpose of this Expression of Interest (EoI) is to request the resources required to: investigate in detail how $ u$STORM could be implemented at CERN; and develop options for decisive European contributions to the $ u$STORM facility and experimental programme wherever the facility is sited. The EoI defines a two-year programme culminating in the delivery of a Technical Design Report.
Copyright/License Report: © 2013-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Email contact(s) : [email protected] ; [email protected]


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