CERN Accelerating science

(\cmsLeft) Distributions of $m_{\ell\ell}$ in the 0-jet different-flavor category of the $\PW\PW \to \ell\nu\ell\nu$ channel for data (points with error bars), for the main backgrounds (stacked histograms), and for a SM Higgs boson signal with $\mH= 500\GeV$. The standard preselection is applied. (\cmsRight) BDT-classifier distributions for signal and background events for a SM Higgs boson with $\mH=500\GeV$ and for the main backgrounds in the 0-jet different-flavor category after requiring $80 < \mt^{\ell\ell,\MET} < 500\GeV$ and $m_{\ell\ell} < 500\GeV$.
(\cmsLeft) Distributions of $m_{\ell\ell}$ in the 0-jet different-flavor category of the $\PW\PW \to \ell\nu\ell\nu$ channel for data (points with error bars), for the main backgrounds (stacked histograms), and for a SM Higgs boson signal with $\mH= 500\GeV$. The standard preselection is applied. (\cmsRight) BDT-classifier distributions for signal and background events for a SM Higgs boson with $\mH=500\GeV$ and for the main backgrounds in the 0-jet different-flavor category after requiring $80 < \mt^{\ell\ell,\MET} < 500\GeV$ and $m_{\ell\ell} < 500\GeV$.
Observed (solid line) and expected (dashed line) 95\% CL upper limit on the ratio of the product of production cross section and branching ratio to the SM expectation for the Higgs boson obtained using the asymptotic CL$_{\textrm{S}}$ technique~\cite{Junk:1999kv,Read1} in the $\PW\PW \to \ell\nu\ell\nu$ channel. The 68\% ($1\sigma$) and 95\% ($2\sigma$) CL ranges of expectation for the background-only model are also shown with green and yellow bands, respectively. The horizontal solid line at unity indicates the SM expectation. Color figure online.
Invariant mass distributions for the $\mH=500\GeV$ mass hypothesis, (\Pgm, 2 jets) category in the $\PH \to \PW\PW \to \ell\nu \cPq\cPq$ channel. (\cmsLeft) The dijet invariant mass distribution with the major background contributions. The vertical lines correspond to the signal region of this analysis $65 < \mjj < 95\GeV$. (\cmsRight) The $\WW$ invariant mass distribution with the major background contributions in the signal region.
Invariant mass distributions for the $\mH=500\GeV$ mass hypothesis, (\Pgm, 2 jets) category in the $\PH \to \PW\PW \to \ell\nu \cPq\cPq$ channel. (\cmsLeft) The dijet invariant mass distribution with the major background contributions. The vertical lines correspond to the signal region of this analysis $65 < \mjj < 95\GeV$. (\cmsRight) The $\WW$ invariant mass distribution with the major background contributions in the signal region.
Observed (solid line) and expected (dashed line) 95\% CL upper limit on the ratio of the product of production cross section and branching fraction to the SM expectation for the Higgs boson in the WW semileptonic channel.
Distribution of the four-lepton reconstructed mass for (\cmsLeft) the sum of the $4\Pe$, $4\Pgm$, and $2\Pe2\Pgm$ channels, and for (\cmsRight) the sum over all $2\ell2\tau$ channels. Points represent the data, shaded histograms represent the background, and unshaded histogram the signal expectations. The reconstructed masses in $2\ell2\tau$ states are shifted downwards with respect to the true masses by about 30\% due to the undetected neutrinos in $\tau$ decays.
Distribution of the four-lepton reconstructed mass for (\cmsLeft) the sum of the $4\Pe$, $4\Pgm$, and $2\Pe2\Pgm$ channels, and for (\cmsRight) the sum over all $2\ell2\tau$ channels. Points represent the data, shaded histograms represent the background, and unshaded histogram the signal expectations. The reconstructed masses in $2\ell2\tau$ states are shifted downwards with respect to the true masses by about 30\% due to the undetected neutrinos in $\tau$ decays.
(\cmsLeft) The distribution of events selected in the $2\ell2\ell$ subchannels for the kinematic discriminant, KD, versus $m_{2\ell2\ell}$. Events in the three final states are marked by filled symbols (defined in the legend). The colored contours (with the measure on the color scale of the right axis) represent the expected relative density of background events. (\cmsRight) Observed (solid line) and expected (dashed line) 95\% CL upper limits on the ratio of the product of the production cross section and branching fraction to the SM expectation in the $\PH \to \ZZ \to 2\ell 2\ell'$ channel. The 68\% ($1\sigma$) and 95\% ($2\sigma$) ranges of expectation for the background-only model are also shown with green and yellow bands, respectively. Color figure online.
(\cmsLeft) The distribution of events selected in the $2\ell2\ell$ subchannels for the kinematic discriminant, KD, versus $m_{2\ell2\ell}$. Events in the three final states are marked by filled symbols (defined in the legend). The colored contours (with the measure on the color scale of the right axis) represent the expected relative density of background events. (\cmsRight) Observed (solid line) and expected (dashed line) 95\% CL upper limits on the ratio of the product of the production cross section and branching fraction to the SM expectation in the $\PH \to \ZZ \to 2\ell 2\ell'$ channel. The 68\% ($1\sigma$) and 95\% ($2\sigma$) ranges of expectation for the background-only model are also shown with green and yellow bands, respectively. Color figure online.
Observed (solid line) and expected (dashed line) 95\% CL upper limit on the ratio of the product of the production cross section and branching fraction, to the SM expectation for the Higgs boson in the $\mathrm{H} \to \ZZ \to 2\ell2\cPq$ channel.
The \MET distribution in data compared to the estimated background in the (\cmsLeft) gluon fusion and (\cmsRight) VBF categories {of the $\PH \to \ZZ \to 2\ell 2\nu$ channel}. The dielectron and dimuon channels are combined. Contributions from $\ZZ$, $\PW\cPZ$, non-resonant background and $\cPZ+\text{jets}$ background are stacked on top of each other. The \MET distribution in signal events for $\mH = 600$\GeV is also shown. The last bin in each plot contain the overflow entries.
The \MET distribution in data compared to the estimated background in the (\cmsLeft) gluon fusion and (\cmsRight) VBF categories {of the $\PH \to \ZZ \to 2\ell 2\nu$ channel}. The dielectron and dimuon channels are combined. Contributions from $\ZZ$, $\PW\cPZ$, non-resonant background and $\cPZ+\text{jets}$ background are stacked on top of each other. The \MET distribution in signal events for $\mH = 600$\GeV is also shown. The last bin in each plot contain the overflow entries.
Observed (solid line) and expected (dashed line) 95\% CL upper limit on the ratio of the product of the production cross section and branching fraction to the SM expectation for the Higgs boson in the $\PH \to \ZZ \to 2\ell 2\nu$ channel.
(\cmsLeft) Expected and (\cmsRight) observed 95\% CL limits for all individual channels and their combination. The horizontal dashed line at unity indicates the SM expectation.
(\cmsLeft) Expected and (\cmsRight) observed 95\% CL limits for all individual channels and their combination. The horizontal dashed line at unity indicates the SM expectation.
Observed (solid line) and expected (dashed line) 95\% CL upper limit on the ratio of the production cross section to the SM expectation for the Higgs boson with all $\WW$ and $\ZZ$ channels combined.