CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1309.5705
Conference title 15th Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
Related conference title(s) EDS BLOIS 2013
Date(s), location 9 - 13 Sep 2013, Saariselka, Lapland, Finland
Conference contact email: [email protected]
phone: +358-9-19150591
Editor(s) Maki, Tuula (ed.)
Imprint 2013
Note Organisers: Maki, Tuula: Helsinki Institute of Physics; Orava, Risto: University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics; Hoyer, Paul: University of Helsinki; Huitu, Katri: University of Helsinki; Khoze, Valery: University of Durham; Mieskolainen, Mikael: Helsinki Institute of Physics; Oljemark, Fredrik: Helsinki Institute of Physics; Welti, Jan: Helsinki Institute of Physics
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Free keywords Blois workshop ; diffraction ; elastic scattering
Abstract This volume represents the proceedings of the 15th conference on Elastic and Diffractive scattering, EDS Blois 2013. The conference was held in Saariselka, Finland on September 9th-13th, 2013.

Corresponding record in: Inspire
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Status of the Exclusive MSSM Higgs production at LHC after the Run I (p. 127)
by Tasevsky, Marek
CMS results on soft diffraction
by Goulianos, Konstantin
Results of Soft-Diffraction at LHCb
by Meissner, M
Central Production of Two-Pseudoscalar Final States at COMPASS
by Austregesilo, Alexander
High Energy pp Elastic Scattering in Condensate Enclosed Chiral Bag Model and TOTEM Elastic Measurements at LHC at 7 TeV
by Islam, M M
Central exclusive $J/\psi$ and $\chi_c$ production at LHCb
by Stevenson, Scott
ATLAS results on soft diffraction
by Monzani, Simone
Precision proton spectrometers for CMS
by Albrow, Michael
Low-$x$ QCD
by Misiura, Maciej
Status Report of LPCC Forward Physics Group
by Kepka, O
Measurement of the centrality dependence of the charged particle pseudorapidity distribution in proton-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
TOTEM Results on Elastic Scattering and Total Cross-Section
by Kašpar, Jan
Central exclusive $J/\psi$ and $\chi_c$ production at LHCb
by Stevenson, S
Low-x QCD from CMS
by Misiura, Maciej
Flow harmonics with ATLAS
by Milov, A
CMS results on hard diffraction
by Mesropian, Christina
Soft Diffraction and Forward Multiplicity Measurements with TOTEM
by Oljemark, Fredrik
Exclusive photoproduction of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ states in $pp$ and $AA$ collisions at the LHC
by Machado, M.V.T.
Results on ultra-peripheral interactions in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions in ALICE
by Scapparone, E
LHCf: physics results on forward particle production at LHC
by Adriani, O.
Results of Soft-Diffraction at LHCb
by Meissner, Marco

Show contributions in CDS

 Запись создана 2013-03-15, последняя модификация 2021-09-20

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