CERN Accelerating science

Most important leading-order Feynman diagrams for $\ttbar\PW$ and $\ttbar \cPZ$ production in proton-proton collisions. The charge conjugate of the diagrams shown is implied.
Most important leading-order Feynman diagrams for $\ttbar\PW$ and $\ttbar \cPZ$ production in proton-proton collisions. The charge conjugate of the diagrams shown is implied.
Event yields after final selection requirements, separated in lepton flavor channels for the trilepton~(\cmsLeft) and same-sign dilepton~(\cmsRight) analyses. The expected contributions from signal and background processes are shown, and the uncertainty on the estimated background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.
Event yields after final selection requirements, separated in lepton flavor channels for the trilepton~(\cmsLeft) and same-sign dilepton~(\cmsRight) analyses. The expected contributions from signal and background processes are shown, and the uncertainty on the estimated background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.
Measurements of the $\ttbar \cPZ$ and $\ttbar V$ production cross sections, in the same-sign dilepton~(left) and trilepton channel~(right), respectively. The measurements are compared to the NLO calculations (horizontal black lines) and their uncertainty (grey bands). Internal error bars for the measurements represent the statistical component of the uncertainty.
Distributions of kinematic variables after final selection requirements for the trilepton analysis: transverse momentum of the $\cPZ$ boson~(left), $\HT$~(center) and \ETslash~(right). The uncertainty on the background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.
Distributions of kinematic variables after final selection requirements for the trilepton analysis: transverse momentum of the $\cPZ$ boson~(left), $\HT$~(center) and \ETslash~(right). The uncertainty on the background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.
Distributions of kinematic variables after final selection requirements for the trilepton analysis: transverse momentum of the $\cPZ$ boson~(left), $\HT$~(center) and \ETslash~(right). The uncertainty on the background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.
Distributions of kinematic variables after final selection requirements for the same-sign dilepton analysis: leading lepton transverse momentum~(left), $\HT$~(center) and \ETslash~(right). The uncertainty on the background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.
Distributions of kinematic variables after final selection requirements for the same-sign dilepton analysis: leading lepton transverse momentum~(left), $\HT$~(center) and \ETslash~(right). The uncertainty on the background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.
Distributions of kinematic variables after final selection requirements for the same-sign dilepton analysis: leading lepton transverse momentum~(left), $\HT$~(center) and \ETslash~(right). The uncertainty on the background yield is superimposed with a grey hashed band.