Hauptseite > The UA1 calorimeter trigger |
Preprint | |
Report number | RAL-84-025 |
Title | The UA1 calorimeter trigger |
Author(s) | Astbury, Alan ; Bowcock, T J V ; Cawthraw, M ; Eisenhandler, Eric F ; Ellis, Nick ; English, R ; Garvey, J ; Gibson, W R ; Grant, D ; Grayer, Geoffrey H ; Haynes, W J ; Homer, R James ; Honma, A K ; Keeler, Richard K ; McMahon, T ; McPherson, G ; Nandi, A K ; Salvi, G ; Wilson, D N |
Publication | 1984 |
Imprint | Mar 1984 |
Number of pages | 54 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN SPS ; UA1 |
Keywords | E(T) ; construction ; design ; electrons ; fast ; hodoscopes ; jets ; performance ; scintillator ; specification |