Home > CERN Experiments > LHC Experiments > ATLAS > ATLAS Preprints > Search for long-lived, multi-charged particles in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector > Plots |
Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation. |
Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation. |
Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation. |
Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation. |
The plane of TRT and MDT \dedx{} significances after the $|q|=2e$ selection. The distributions of the 2011 data and the signal sample (here for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}) are shown. |
The plane of TRT and MDT \dedx{} significances after the $|q|>2e$ selection. The distributions of the 2011 data and the signal sample (here for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}} and $|q|=4e$) are shown. |
Observed 95\% CL cross-section upper limits and theoretical cross sections as functions of the multi-charged particle mass. |
Observed 95\% CL cross-section upper limits and theoretical cross sections as functions of the multi-charged particle mass. |