CERN Accelerating science

Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation.
Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation.
Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation.
Comparison of normalised distributions of the $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for muons from $Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$ events in data and simulation.
Normalised distributions of $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal samples for $|q|$ = $2e$, $4e$ and $6e$, for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}.
Normalised distributions of $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal samples for $|q|$ = $2e$, $4e$ and $6e$, for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}.
Normalised distributions of $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal samples for $|q|$ = $2e$, $4e$ and $6e$, for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}.
Normalised distributions of $S$(MDT \dedx{}) (top) and $S$(TRT \dedx{}) (bottom) for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal samples for $|q|$ = $2e$, $4e$ and $6e$, for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}.
Normalised distribution of $S$(pixel \dedx{}) for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal sample for $|q|$ = $2e$, for masses of 200, 400 and \unit[600]{\GeV{}}. The structure at a significance of -5 is from pixel read-out saturation.
Normalised distribution of $S$(pixel \dedx{}) for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal sample for $|q|$ = $2e$, for masses of 200, 400 and \unit[600]{\GeV{}}. The structure at a significance of -5 is from pixel read-out saturation.
Normalised distribution of $f^{\textrm{HT}}$ for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal samples for $|q|$ = $2e$, $4e$, and $6e$ for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}.
Normalised distribution of $f^{\textrm{HT}}$ for simulated muons and multi-charged particles. Distributions are shown for the signal samples for $|q|$ = $2e$, $4e$, and $6e$ for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}.
The plane of TRT and MDT \dedx{} significances after the $|q|=2e$ selection. The distributions of the 2011 data and the signal sample (here for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}) are shown.
The plane of TRT and MDT \dedx{} significances after the $|q|>2e$ selection. The distributions of the 2011 data and the signal sample (here for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}} and $|q|=4e$) are shown.
The plane of TRT and MDT \dedx{} significances after the $|q|=2e$ selection. The distributions of the 2011 data and the signal sample (here for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}}) are shown. The regions labelled A, B and C are control regions used to estimate the background expected in the signal region D.
noimg: The observed candidate yields in data for an integrated luminosity of \intlumi. The last column shows the expected background in the signal region D with statistical uncertainty.: The efficiencies to select a signal candidate (in \%) for the DY production model.: Summary of relative systematic uncertainties on the expected number of candidates derived from the uncertainties on the background estimation, trigger efficiency, Monte Carlo statistics and due to selection cuts.
The plane of TRT and MDT \dedx{} significances after the $|q|>2e$ selection. The distributions of the 2011 data and the signal sample (here for a mass of \unit[200]{\GeV{}} and $|q|=4e$) are shown. The regions labelled A, B and C are control regions used to estimate the background expected in the signal region D.
Observed 95\% CL cross-section upper limits and theoretical cross sections as functions of the multi-charged particle mass.
Upper limits on the production cross section of multi-charged highly ionising particles from pair-production as a function of particle mass. The dotted line shows the expected limit with the $\pm1\sigma$ and $\pm2\sigma$ uncertainty bands. The observed limit is compared with the predicted rapidly falling cross section from the DY model. The plots are shown separately for charges from $|q|=2e$ to $|q|=6e$. In the $|q|=2e$ case, the observed limit lies on top of the expected limit.
Upper limits on the production cross section of multi-charged highly ionising particles from pair-production as a function of particle mass. The dotted line shows the expected limit with the $\pm1\sigma$ and $\pm2\sigma$ uncertainty bands. The observed limit is compared with the predicted rapidly falling cross section from the DY model. The plots are shown separately for charges from $|q|=2e$ to $|q|=6e$. In the $|q|=2e$ case, the observed limit lies on top of the expected limit.
Observed 95\% CL cross-section upper limits and theoretical cross sections as functions of the multi-charged particle mass.