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Report number ITEF-83-192 ; ITEP-92-83
Title Neutron-to-Proton Ratios in $pA$ and $\pi^{+-}A$ Interactions
Author(s) Bayukov, Yu D ; Degtyarenko, P V ; Druzhinin, B L ; Fedorov, V B ; Fominykh, B A ; Gavrilov, V B ; Goryainov, N A ; Grishuk, Yu G ; Guschin, O B ; Kornienko, N L ; Leksin, G A ; Shevchenko, S ; Shuvalov, S M ; Shvartsman, B B ; Surin, V P
Publication 1983
Imprint 21 Dec 1983
Number of pages 8
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Keywords pi+A ; pi-A


 Zapis kreiran 1990-01-29, zadnja izmjena 2014-12-15