CERN Accelerating science

Distributions of the four-lepton reconstructed mass for (a) the sum of the $4\Pe, 4\Pgm$, and $2\Pe2\Pgm$ channels and (b) the sum of the $\taus$ channels. Points represent the data, and the shaded histograms represent the expected $\PZ\PZ$ signal and the reducible background. The shapes of the signal and background are taken from the MC simulation, with each component normalized to the corresponding estimated value from Table~\ref{table:results}. The distributions (c) and (d) demonstrate the relationship between the reconstructed $\PZ_1$ and $\PZ_2$ masses.
Distributions of the four-lepton reconstructed mass for (a) the sum of the $4\Pe, 4\Pgm$, and $2\Pe2\Pgm$ channels and (b) the sum of the $\taus$ channels. Points represent the data, and the shaded histograms represent the expected $\PZ\PZ$ signal and the reducible background. The shapes of the signal and background are taken from the MC simulation, with each component normalized to the corresponding estimated value from Table~\ref{table:results}. The distributions (c) and (d) demonstrate the relationship between the reconstructed $\PZ_1$ and $\PZ_2$ masses.
Distributions of the four-lepton reconstructed mass for (a) the sum of the $4\Pe, 4\Pgm$, and $2\Pe2\Pgm$ channels and (b) the sum of the $\taus$ channels. Points represent the data, and the shaded histograms represent the expected $\PZ\PZ$ signal and the reducible background. The shapes of the signal and background are taken from the MC simulation, with each component normalized to the corresponding estimated value from Table~\ref{table:results}. The distributions (c) and (d) demonstrate the relationship between the reconstructed $\PZ_1$ and $\PZ_2$ masses.
Distributions of the four-lepton reconstructed mass for (a) the sum of the $4\Pe, 4\Pgm$, and $2\Pe2\Pgm$ channels and (b) the sum of the $\taus$ channels. Points represent the data, and the shaded histograms represent the expected $\PZ\PZ$ signal and the reducible background. The shapes of the signal and background are taken from the MC simulation, with each component normalized to the corresponding estimated value from Table~\ref{table:results}. The distributions (c) and (d) demonstrate the relationship between the reconstructed $\PZ_1$ and $\PZ_2$ masses.
Distribution of the four-lepton reconstructed mass for the sum of the $4\Pe, 4\Pgm$, and the $2\Pe2\Pgm$ channels. Points represent the data, and the shaded histograms represent the expected $\PZ\PZ$ signal and the reducible background. The dashed and dotted histograms represent the results of the \SHERPA simulation for the SM ($f_4^{\cPZ} = 0$) and in the presence of an ATGC ($f_4^{\cPZ}=0.015$), while all the other anomalous couplings are set to zero.
Expected and observed two-dimensional exclusion limits at 95\% CL on the anomalous neutral trilinear $\cPZ\cPZ\cPZ$ ($f_{4,5}^{\cPZ}$) and $\cPZ\cPZ\gamma$ ($f_{4,5}^{\gamma}$) couplings. The green and yellow bands represent the one and two standard-deviation variations from the expected limit. In calculating the limits, the anomalous couplings that are not shown in the figure are set to zero.