CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Agafonova, N.Yu. and Aglietta, M. and Antonioli, P. and
                       Ashikhmin, V.V. and Bari, G. and Bertoni, R. and Bressan,
                       E. and Bruno, G. and Dadykin, V.L. and Fulgione, W. and
                       Galeotti, P. and Garbini, M. and Ghia, P.L. and Giusti, P.
                       and Kemp, E. and Mal'gin, A.S. and Miguez, B. and
                       Molinario, A. and Persiani, R. and Pless, I.A. and Ryasny,
                       V.G. and Ryazhskaya, O.G. and Saavedra, O. and Sartorelli,
                       G. and Shakyrianova, I.R. and Selvi, M. and Trinchero, G.C.
                       and Vigorito, C. and Yakushev, V.F. and Zichichi, A. and
                       Razeto, A.",
      collaboration = "LVD",
      title         = "{Measurement of the velocity of neutrinos from the CNGS
                       beam with the Large Volume Detector}",
      archivePrefix = "arXiv",
      eprint        = "1208.1392",
      journal       = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
      volume        = "109",
      pages         = "070801",
      year          = "2012",
      url           = "",
      note          = "Comments: to be published in Physical Review Letters",
      doi           = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.070801",