CERN Accelerating science

noimgSignal Monte Carlo stopping fractions for various gluino mass values with their statistical uncertainties. Each efficiency is the number of R-hadrons that stop anywhere in the detector divided by the number of produced R-hadrons events. Some R-hadrons stop in parts of the detector where there is little sensitivity to detect their decay. This is accounted for in the reconstruction efficiency in Table~???.
Percentage timing efficiency as a function of gluino lifetime. The region 105 to 103seconds has the highest efficiency, approximately 37%. For shorter lifetimes many R-hadrons decay in paired bunch crossings while for longer lifetimes many decay when ATLAS is not taking data. The solid line is calculated with the assumption that no R-hadron survived from one run to the next (allowing a per run analysis for shorter lifetimes). The dashed line is calculated after averaging over bunch structure but does allow R-hadrons to decay in a run they are not produced in.
Jet energy for single jet channelLeading jet energy for multi-jet channelCaption not extracted
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Jet energy for single jet channelLeading jet energy for multi-jet channelCaption not extracted
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The 95\% C.L. limit on the gluino pair production cross-section as a function of gluino mass, m˜g, assuming m˜χ01=100GeV. Limits are shown for the {\it Generic} stopping model and ˜gg\nino decay.