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Report number DPHN-HE-82-14
Title A test of the interacting boson approximation using electron scattering
Author(s) Hersman, F W ; Bertozzi, W ; Buti, T N ; Finn, J M ; Hyde, C ; Hynes, M V ; Kelly, J ; Kovash, M A ; Kowalski, S ; Lichtenstadt, J ; Lourie, R W ; Murdock, B ; Pugh, B ; Rad, F N ; Sargent, C P ; Bellicard, J B
Affiliation (MIT Cambridge) ; (Bates Lin. Accel. Lab. Middleton) ; (CEN Saclay)
Publication 1982
Imprint Nov 1982?
Number of pages 11
Published in: Phys. Rev. Lett.
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Rekord stworzony 1990-01-28, ostatnia modyfikacja 2014-12-15