Xing, Q Z (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Bai, Y J (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Cai, J C (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Guan, X (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Wang, X W (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Wei, J (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Xiong, Z F (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Zhang, H Y (Beijing U. of Tech.) ; Billen, J H (Los Alamos) ; Young, L M (Los Alamos) ; Guan, W Q (NUCTECH, Beijing) ; He, Y (NUCTECH, Beijing) ; Li, J (NUCTECH, Beijing) ; Stovall, J (CERN) |
| We present, in this paper, the physics and mechanical design of a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator for the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source (CPHS) at Tsinghua University. The 3-meter-long RFQ will accelerate protons from 50 keV to 3 MeV at an RF frequency of 325 MHz. In the physics design we have programmed the inter-vane voltage as a function of beam velocity, to optimize the performance of the RFQ, by tailoring the cavity cross section and vane-tip geometry as a function of longitudinal position while limiting the peak surface electric field to 1.8 Kilpatrick. There will be no Medium-Energy-Beam-Transport (MEBT) following the RFQ. The focusing at the high energy end of the RFQ and at the entrance of the DTL have been tailored to provide continuous restoring forces independent of the beam current. In simulations of the proton beam in the RFQ, using the code PARMTEQM, we observe transmission exceeding 97%. The RFQ is mechanically separated into three sections to facilitate machining and brazing. We have machined a test section and the final RFQ accelerator is now under construction. We will describe the status of the RFQ system in this paper. |